There are 5 placeholders for adding widgets in billboard theme.
How to add one more placeholder to add a widget?
Shaikh Rizuan
Open the \client\stemapp\themes\BillboardTheme\layouts\default\config.js and add a new place holder as shown below in lines 84-89 or if it an existing app that you want to add the placeholder to then you open the \server\[app #]\themes\BillboardTheme\layouts\default\config.js:
{ "widgetOnScreen": { "widgets": [{ "uri": "widgets/Search/Widget", "position": { "left": 60, "top": 10 }, "version": "2.1" }, { "uri": "widgets/ZoomSlider/Widget", "position": { "top": 10, "left":15 }, "version": "2.1" }, { "uri": "widgets/HomeButton/Widget", "position": { "left": 15, "top": 80 }, "version": "2.1" }, { "uri": "widgets/MyLocation/Widget", "position": { "left": 15, "top": 120 }, "version": "2.1" }, { "uri": "widgets/Scalebar/Widget", "position": { "left": 15, "bottom": 25 }, "version": "2.1" }, { "uri": "widgets/Coordinate/Widget", "position": { "left": 15, "bottom": 5 }, "version": "2.1" }, { "uri": "widgets/OverviewMap/Widget", "position": { "right": 0, "bottom": 0 }, "version": "2.1" }, { "uri": "widgets/Splash/Widget", "visible": false, "position": { "relativeTo": "browser" }, "version": "2.1" }, { "position": { "left": 60, "top": 53 } }, { "position": { "left": 105, "top": 53 } }, { "position": { "left": 150, "top": 53 } }, { "position": { "left": 195, "top": 53 } }, { "position": { "left": 240, "top": 53 } }, { "position": { "left": 285, "top": 53 } }] },
Hi Robert,
I did those changes earlier also but no luck.. I am not able to see the placeholder in Widget section.
Are you changing the proper file? The one in the apps folder?
I did it in correct file for an existing app.
This is the location path: ....\arcgis-web-appbuilder-2.0\WebAppBuilderForArcGIS\server\apps\5\themes\BillboardTheme\layouts\default\config.json
I got the new placeholder while after creating the new WebApp.
Sorry the code I provided is only for new apps. If you want to add a new placeholder widget for an existing app then you have to manually add it to the main config.json in the widgetOnScreen widgets array.