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More customizable styles and layout options

11-11-2022 12:09 AM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor II

It would be nice to have more customizable options for the style and layout of the Web AppBuilder. Currently, the style is limited to only add custom RGB and HEX colors, but it would be nice to also have an option for setting transparency.

For the Layout option there is not much of a choice here. It is mostly just the search bar that change place. It would be nice to have a bit more freedom to chose where the buttons are placed on the header and be able to enlarge the header, so the icons and title has more space.

When looking at the default option, e.g., for the Foldable Theme everything is to the far right, but most people don’t see the small icons there and if there is only one. For the Box Theme, it would be nice be able to move the menu to the top instead of the down right corner and so on.

The options don’t have to be vast and with many predefined setups. But please add a bit more flexibility and customizable options.

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1 Comment

@cbp-geus Thank you for sharing this idea.

Please take a look at ArcGIS Experience Builder.

This is the new app builder that will eventually replace Web AppBuilder, and it provides this layout flexibility.