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Add Related/Maintenance Record to All Selected Features

06-08-2020 01:46 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

I would like to be able to select multiple features and add a related record to each.

For example:

1.  Public Works crew goes out and flush all the city hydrants.  It would be nice to select all the hydrants and apply the same service (related record) to each hydrant.  When there are 1500 hydrants, this would take a week currently to add a related record to each hydrant, individually.

2.  Public Works crew sweeps all the streets.  Again, it would be nice to do the same as in #1, above.

3.  Public Works crew jets 10 storm sewers.  Again, it would be nice to do the same as in #1, above.

4.  All streets get striped.  Again, it would be nice to do the same as in #1, above.

5.  Many streets get reconstructed each year.  Again, it would be nice to the same as in #1, above.

There are so many examples that we in a City or Public Works environment, where this action isn't possible through any widget in AGOL and it makes entering services/maintenance records a real headache.


Would you mind expanding on your solution?  Even a "duct tape and binding wire solution" would be good for my colleagues.


Hi Alix

Would you consider adding a solution to ArcGIS Pro as well?

Also, I guess people have faced different problems, but for me the main question is to change or delete multiple existing related records at once. You did not say you would add something like that. When you mentioned you would allow batch create related records when creating new feature but not on existing feature already raises question, if this would be an incomplete solution on your side. There is no point for us to batch create related records if we cannot change or delete them without having to go through each one by one.  



I made a few notes to capture the logic, the main pieces of the workflow and a few particulars. Hope it helps.

This workflow was developed to improve efficiency of data entry. There are five components to the workflow.

1. Data Schema – fields in the feature class have the exact same schema as the related event table.

2. Collector map – data is entered in the field using the Multiple Edit tool.

3. Layer and table specific mxd – a definition query identifies entries in the feature class by selecting all features with a date stamp that falls within the past 24 hours.

4. Python script – identifies the mxd, feature class and related table. Three tools are run – Field Calculator (updates

June 8 2020 07:23


Hi Katrin,

Yes, I agree with you that we need both batch create and batch update/delete related records. I will make sure this is taken into consideration. Thank you for letting us know this is a requirement for you as well!