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What’s New in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (April 2018)

04-12-2018 11:05 PM
Esri Esteemed Contributor
1 13 2,869

FYI: Nice blog by David Martinez that covers all the new enhancements to Web AppBuilder in the recent ArcGIS Online update,

What’s New in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (April 2018) - ArcGIS Blog 


Honored Contributor

Hi Derek - now that Web App Builder Dev Edition 2.8 is released, can you tell me if WebGL rendering is enabled automatically for hosted feature layers?  Or if not, where that can be set within the app?



Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi David,

> can you tell me if WebGL rendering is enabled automatically for hosted feature layers? Or if not, where that can be set within the app?

No, this is not automatically enabled. And this functionality is not in Web AppBuilder at this time. The Dev team is working on this - possibly for a future release.

Hope this helps,

Honored Contributor

Yes hopefully this functionality will become available soon.  The draw performance improvement is remarkable

Deactivated User

Hi Derek,

The release notes mentions support for editing related features through Edit and Smart Edit widgets.

I have tested and editing related features (1-many composite) work well on the Edit widget but I don't seem to find the same functionality on the the Smart Editor widget.

The release notes are not clear to me:

  • With the Smart Editor widget, you can edit related layers and tables, and define attribute actions for the data.
  • With the Edit widget, you can edit related features to the related feature layer.

What is the difference from Related Layers and Related Features ?


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Juliano,

> What is the difference from Related Layers and Related Features ?

There's no difference. I believe the blog author just selected different wording. The intent of the statements is to just say that the Smart Editor widget now enables you to edit related tables and features.

Hope this helps,

New Contributor

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Ashish,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We are working on correcting the banner date.

Esri Regular Contributor
Emerging Contributor

Hi Derek, 

We upgraded to WAB2.8 recently. I am experiencing issues with 'Show Related Records' functionality from the option menu using out of box attribute table widget . It is displaying the related tabs but the data is not available in the related tab and showing as blank.

I tried same functionality in WAB2.7 and it is working fine there. I debugged through the new code and it seems the 'layerInfoId' is populating as undefined. Details below: 

_ResourceManager.js: Its trying to get the layerInfoId from the 'getRelationTable' function(var layerInfoId = lang.getObject('', false, currentShip);) but there is no shipInfo property in that object .Ultimately the tabId is undefined and its giving "no activeLayerInfo!" error in _getQueryTableInfo function and nothing is getting displayed in the related tabs.

Thank you!

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi esri_user,

We're not aware of any issues in the Attribute Table widget with showing related records.

Can you please contact Esri Tech Support and open an issue, provide info on the type of data used and detailed repro steps so we can investigate further?


Frequent Contributor

We are not using the Dev edition, but rather the online edition of WAB. This has been broken in the online edition since April. It has been filed under BUG-000114004 and has been discussed for the online edition in the following thread 

It does not appear to be fixed in the June (6.2) release of WAB (online).

Frequent Contributor

Could the "what's new" blog posts with information on new AGOL updates maintain links to bugs and other defects that become flagged and/or were not yet fixed from previous releases?

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Thanks for your feedback Alison. I was not the author of the blog, but I have passed your feedback onto the author.

Hope this helps,

About the Author
Senior Product Manager | Twitter: @GIS_Bandit | Mastodon: | Bluesky: