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Web AppBuilder Developer Edition 2.11 beta is available

12-12-2018 06:42 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
4 0 939

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) 2.11 beta version is available in the Early Adopter Community. It syncs up with the latest Web AppBuilder in AGOL December update. Click on this link to access the latest beta version.


Developer Edition 2.11 has two new widgets and numerous improvements to existing widgets. The new Threat Analysis widget targets public safety personnel and first responders. It helps identify safe distances and zones for planning events. The new Visibility widget determines what is visible based on distance, observer’s height, and a field of view. In addition, Directions now allows you to configure barriers from your map layers. Analysis adds three new tools: Find Centroids, Find Point Clusters, and Summarize Center and Dispersion. 3D Search enables you to search feature layers. For more information, see the blog.


Please use the Forums within the Early Adopter Community to communicate all your observations and feedback.

Thank you!

The Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS team

About the Author
Product Manager for ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web Appbuilder. She likes camping and hiking.