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Services don't refresh

02-10-2012 07:43 AM
New Contributor III
Hi All,

After either adding or deleting a service in ArcServer Manager, those changes aren't reflected in appbuilder (for me anyway).  I've tried stopping and re-starting the services and refreshing the web page both in builder and ArcServer.  Builder still shows services that are no longer on Server, as well as not showing those that are.  Is there a secret 'refresh services' button or technique that I'm missing?


Tom S.
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Tom,

Have you tried clearing the web browser local cache?

Hope this helps,
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Occasional Contributor III

I'm having the same issue, clearing the web browser local cache isn't helping. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

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Regular Contributor

I usually have to remove and re-add the service.

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