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Print Tool 3.1 - secured services

02-25-2013 07:43 AM
Deactivated User
Has anyone been able to get the Print Tool to work using their local built-in ExportWebMapTask service over SSL. I have tried using a proxy and manual server sign in procedures but have been unsuccessful. Even when signing in manually I can access to GP Service but it fails even when I only try to export the basemap.
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11 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Hi.  I know it's been a few months, but did you ever resolve this?  I'm experiencing the same thing and don't really know where to start.

Mary Ellen
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Esri Regular Contributor

1) Is your print service synchronous or asynchronous?
Try one, then the other.

2) Are you using your own custom print service?
You need to publish your own print service to work with secure services:

Hope this helps.

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Deactivated User

I faced different issue. I secured my services, used proxy. When using ExportWebMap Tool, I got a warning message:

Layer XYZ is configured to use a proxy server.  Layers that use a proxy cannot be printed with ArcGIS Server and will be excluded from the output map.

Does this mean there's no way I can use ExportWebMap to print proxied services? Does it make sense to look for a workaround?

Thanks for any help, Nika
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Esri Regular Contributor
Strange, I have not encountered that before.

Few questions:

Is that the exact error message?

Is this a custom print service?

Are you connected to the internet?
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Deactivated User

that's the exact message (see a screenshot), I'm using a custom print service (not secured) running on our ArcGIS server, set up as described here:

Thanks for help, Monika
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Esri Regular Contributor
What's the screenshot from? I haven't seen that error message before. Is that defined in your code somewhere?

What happens if submit a print job from the REST endpoint? Or, use the "Export Map" method from the map service?
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Deactivated User
Hi Noah,

I got the code for the Print tool published here:

The message is built in the tool - Resources - Strings:

Layer {0} is configured to use a proxy server.  Layers that use a proxy cannot be printed with ArcGIS Server and will be excluded from the output map.

/// <summary>
        ///   Looks up a localized string similar to Layer {0} is configured to use a proxy server.  Layers that use a proxy cannot be printed with ArcGIS Server and will be excluded from the output map..
        /// </summary>
        public static string NotSupportedLayerWithProxy {
            get {
                return ResourceManager.GetString("NotSupportedLayerWithProxy", resourceCulture);

Is it a known issue so hence the message is coded in the tool?

If we use unsecured services tool and print from the REST point work. The moment we switch to secured services (with proxy page recommended by ESRI) it doesn't work. The proxy page itself is ok.

Thanks, Monika
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Esri Regular Contributor
I got the code for the Print tool published here:

You are using this add-in or modifying the code for development? Have you tried your print service in the Application Builder as a test?

ArcGIS Viewer for Silverlight - Application Builder - Printing

Is it a known issue so hence the message is coded in the tool?

I haven't seen this specific error before, and I don't know if this is a known issue or not.

If we use unsecured services tool and print from the REST point work. The moment we switch to secured services (with proxy page recommended by ESRI) it doesn't work.

If you print from REST using secure services, it fails? If it fails at REST, it's an issue with the Print service you created.

What happens when you watch the web traffic from the print request? Use a debugger like Fiddler, that should give you more detailed information as to what's going on.

Hope this helps!
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New Contributor

I am faced with a similar problem. Namely, I'm trying to print secured service via proxy. I have ArcGIS server 10.1 and published custom Print service using this link:
My security of arcgis server goes trought Webadaptor and Tomcat 7 using this link:
I am using JSAPI and PrintTask. Unsecured services are printed normaly, but when I try to print secured service I get jobSucceded but my generated PDF is blank. There is no error information, apparently everything is OK but there is no picture.

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