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Displaying results in datagrid, within a tabitem

07-28-2014 12:41 PM
Occasional Contributor

I've customized a layout to create a panel at the bottom (where the attribute grid would appear) and in that panel I have a TabControl with four TabItems.  In each tabItem is one DataGrid.  I then have a custom addin that runs a query, and should update each datagrid with results (as a list).  (One tab is for schedule, one is for followup, etc.)  The tool itself runs from the popup, using one of the attributes as a custom id to run the search.

Here's my problem - if I put all of the data grids in one stackpanel, no tabs, everything works perfectly.  But then it pretty much takes up the entire screen and just isn't feasible.  But if I keep it on the tabs, it will populate everything correctly the first time; but then the second time I run it, everything tanks.  I get the generic "object not referenced" error; it will populate the first grid, but nothing else.

I'm using the following code to access the element:

MapApplication.Current.FindObjectInLayout("ShellDataGrid") as DataGrid;

Then using ShellDataGrid.ItemsSource = lstShell; to populate the grids, but clearly this isn't working.  Does anyone have any ideas?


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