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Search widget results not showing up in 3.1 attribute table

01-17-2013 12:31 PM
Occasional Contributor
I've checked the box for "Add results as operational layer", and as expected, the results from a search are shown in the legend, layer list, and a tab is added for the results layer in the attribute table. However, the attribute table is blank with no records or fields. The results in the search widget are visible and there parcels selected. I've attached a screenshot to help illustrating what I'm experiencing.

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18 Replies
Occasional Contributor
config code below:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
            <expression>AsmtNum = '[value]'</expression>
            <textsearchlabel>Search by Parcel Number</textsearchlabel>
                <field name="AsmtNum" alias="AsmtNum"/>
                <field name="Zoning" alias="Zoning"/>
                <field name="LUD" alias="LUD"/>
                <field name="ParcelType" alias="ParcelType"/>
                <field name="CalcAcres" alias="CalcAcres"/>
                <field name="Owner_Firs" alias="Owner_Firs"/>
                <field name="Owner_MI" alias="Owner_MI"/>
                <field name="Owner_Last" alias="Owner_Last"/>
                <field name="AssesseeNa" alias="AssesseeNa"/>
                <field name="Mailing_St" alias="Mailing_St"/>
                <field name="Mailing_Ci" alias="Mailing_Ci"/>
                <field name="Mailing__1" alias="Mailing__1"/>
                <field name="Mailing_Zi" alias="Mailing_Zi"/>
                <field name="Mailing_Ad" alias="Mailing_Ad"/>
                <field name="LandValue" alias="LandValue"/>
                <field name="ImprValue" alias="ImprValue"/>
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MVP Emeritus

Just add
They seem to have missed this in the Widgets Tag References in the docs.
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Frequent Contributor II

Have you also migrated this change over to your enhanced search widget?


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MVP Emeritus

   No I don't want the results to show up in the layerlist or the toc so I add hiddenLayer_ to the FeatureLayers name.
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Occasional Contributor III
Hey Jason,

The reason its not showing anything in the AT widget is because Attribute Table component is not able to create the columns. The Search widget should set the outfields on the (result)feature layer for that to happen, otherwise it just shows the 'displayfield'. My guess is your service does not have a display field set, hence you see nothing.

Quick fix for this would be to update the SearchWidget.mxml by adding:

private function createSearchResults(featureSet:FeatureSet, queryFields:XMLList):ArrayCollection
                var result:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

                var layerDetails:LayerDetails = queryLayer.layerDetails;
                if (!queryTitleField)
                    queryTitleField = featureSet.displayFieldName;

                for each (var graphic:Graphic in featureSet.features)
                    var resultAttributes:ResultAttributes =
                        ResultAttributes.toResultAttributes(queryFields, textDirection, graphic, featureSet, queryLayer, layerDetails, widgetTitle, queryTitleField, queryLinkField, queryLinkAlias);

                    var searchResult:ResultItem = new ResultItem(graphic, resultAttributes);

                    var infoWindowRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(PopUpRenderer);
           = { popUpInfo: configurePopUpInfo(resultAttributes)};
                    graphic.infoWindowRenderer = infoWindowRenderer;
                resultFeatureLayer.outFields = queryLayer.outFields; // for Attribute Table and/or AttributeInspector
                resultFeatureLayer.visible = true;
                resultFeatureLayer.featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(featureSet, layerDetails);
                switch (featureSet.geometryType)
                    case Geometry.MAPPOINT:
                        resultFeatureLayer.renderer = new SimpleRenderer(resultMarkerSymbol);
                    case Geometry.POLYLINE:
                        resultFeatureLayer.renderer = new SimpleRenderer(resultLineSymbol);
                    case Geometry.POLYGON:
                        resultFeatureLayer.renderer = new SimpleRenderer(resultFillSymbol);

                return result;
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New Contributor III
Thanks Sarthak, I had the exact same problem and that fixed it.  I hope that'll be included in the next release.
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Occasional Contributor
How do I set a display field for the service so I don't have to edit the mxml?

Or, how do I compile the revised mxml back to a .swf? I was able to get the source code for the searchwidget.mxml off of github, but now I don't know how to get it to widget form.

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Occasional Contributor
I was able to figure it out. It took downloading the entire flexviewer zip from hithub, but it worked. I did notice the individual mxml file on hithub does not have that line of code,, but it is included in the flexviewer zip. Oh well. Hopefully it's included in the 3.2 release.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Just wanted to follow up and let you know that this has been fixed and will be part of the 3.2 release (see GitHub Issue #22).

FYI: if you want to see what other viewer code changes made it into 3.2, look at the 58 closed and verified issues for 3.2:
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