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Print Widget problem esriJobFailed

04-22-2013 12:02 PM
New Contributor
Hi everyone, i would appreciate so much your help with this issue. I have published my web page with Print Widget as one of my toolsand it works fine when im inside my LAN, but when i run the Widget from any other location outside my network, it throws :esriJobFailed, I've seen the process with Fidler and HttpWatch (Firefox) but everything seems to be fine: the urls and the job assigment.

Please someone who could help me with this problem,

Thanks a lot!!

Rinat S.
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MVP Emeritus

   This is a duplicate post to the one you posted earlier that was moved to the Flex Viewer Forum. As your question has to do with a widget it belongs in the Flex Viewer forum. Your original post has been replied to already.
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