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Point Buffer Widget customization

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01-10-2012 01:03 PM
New Contributor III
I've adopted the Point Buffer code and wrote a function to calculate the radius distance I want to apply a buffer for, based on some user inputs via combo boxes. Instead of using the input text (textInputBuffer) I want the buffer distance to be defined by my function. Is there a way to switch it so that the ApplyBuffer function reads from my function and not the text input?
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14 Replies
New Contributor III
Rob, is there a way to get the coordinates of the point that is added? Does that require a geometry service?
Thanks, Rachel
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MVP Emeritus
Rachel,   You can get the coordinates from the point without using a geometry service as long as you are not wanting the coordinates in a different spatial reference than the map is in. Of course that will require code writing.
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New Contributor
Hi Robert,

I am having one problem with the Point Buffer widget.  If I draw a buffer, use the buffer in Enhanced Search to complete a search, then close Enhanced Search, the Point Buffer widget is "broken."  I have to close the webservice and clear my cache to be able to use the Point Buffer widget again.  Have you seen this problem before?

Thanks for you help!

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MVP Emeritus

   There is an issue in the eSearch widget that I will have fixed in the next release to address the issue you are reporting. Thanks for reporting this issue.
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New Contributor
Great, thank you!
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