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Is there a limit to the size of images in the popups?

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09-30-2013 01:52 PM
Occasional Contributor III
Does anyone know if there is a limit to the size of images that can be displayed in the popups display?

I have valid image links that work when the image box is clink on, meaning the hyperlink opens in a new window as it should.
However they do not appear in the image box within the popups themselves.  Instead I get the broken image icon.

Does this mean that my images are too large?  If so, does anyone know what the limitations are size wise?


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1 Solution

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MVP Emeritus

    Flex has some quirks about security and the presence of a crossdomain.xml file on sites where you are assessing images and such from. The reason it works when you click the link is that it opens in a new browser and thus outside of flex and it's security quirks.

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8 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   I am not aware of any limit. What does the url to the image look like? I have seen this happen when people use a UNC path instead of a valid url that contain a true http address.
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Occasional Contributor III

Here is an example of one of the jpgs:


I don't know if the link is openly available outside of our office.  My understanding is that they are, but I haven't tested it outside of the office to validate it.  The map is for internal use so the map iteself is created on the intranet.

(UPDATE) Okay, I've been told that the link is only available for internal purposes and not to the general public.

Could that have something to do with it?

Does this look like what you were talking about?

Its odd that the link within the image box is active, just not the image itself.  I thought it had to do something with the image size.  It would be great if it would work they way ESRI intended it.


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MVP Emeritus

    Flex has some quirks about security and the presence of a crossdomain.xml file on sites where you are assessing images and such from. The reason it works when you click the link is that it opens in a new browser and thus outside of flex and it's security quirks.
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Occasional Contributor III

That makes sense.  Maybe I will look into the crossdomain file more to see if that can help.

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New Contributor III
We had this same problem with photos on our flex application. The photo would open in a browser window, but the thumbnail in the popup was a broken image link. We solved it by creating a virtual directory of the folder containing our photos in IIS, on our web server, and adjusting the physical path credentials to said virtual directory. After doing so the thumbnail began working in the flex pop-up.
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Occasional Contributor III

Thanks for the heads up, any chance you could give me a little more detail in how you corrected the issue so I can pass that on to our IT department.

My fix was to use the Identify widget, however it would be nice to have the photos show up in the popup they way its was intended to do so.

Thanks again,

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New Contributor III
I can try to explain a little better. Let me preface by saying our IT staff figured this one out, not me.

First of all our set up is as follows:
internal server running arcgis for server 10.1.
This is where all our GIS data and services reside (Including the photos we used in our pop-ups)

External Server
Off-site web server running IIS. This machine exists for the sole purpose of running our web map applications. It is connected to our ArcGIS for server installation via the ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

To get our photos to show up we created a virtual directory, In IIS on the web server. This virtual directory was created in the project folder, for our Flex app, running on the public web server. The Virtual directory had a physical path (UNC Share) pointing to the folder containing our photos, on our internal server where we have our ArcGIS for server installation.

We then set the physical path credentials for the virtual directory to a user that had access to the unc share. After creating the virtual path to the photos they began to work in our pop-up.

Hope that helps.
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Occasional Contributor III

That makes more sense.

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