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Identify Widget 3.5.1 issue

11-08-2013 11:12 AM
Deactivated User
Robert -

I recently upgraded the Identify widget from 2.5.8 to 3.5.1 (as well as to flew viewer 3.5).  I had identified an issue with the Identify 2.5.8 in which is what not returning any domain associated values.  I was ecstatic when upgrading to 3.5.1 cleared up the issue.  However, it was pointed out to me that I seem to have traded one issue for another.  Now, the Identify widget is not returning non-domain associated values!

I have tried a number of things, but have had no success with addressing this issue (the Search tool 3.5.3 is returning both domain and non-domain associated values).

Unfortunately, my webservices are internal only, but I am including the Identify.XML for your perusal.  For reference, I am including a screen cap showing the results for Identify and Search for the same feature.  In particular, LOCATION, LOCATIONDESCRIPTION, INSTALLATIONDATE are blank for Identify but not for Search.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- encoding="UTF-8" -->
    <infoautoclosemilliseconds>2000</infoautoclosemilliseconds><!-- 2 seconds -->
    <autoactivatedtool>mappoint</autoactivatedtool><!-- possible values are extent or polygon or mappoint or polyline or nothing -->
        <zoom2message>Click to Zoom to Point</zoom2message>
        <descriptionlabel>Use the identify tool to identify features on the map:</descriptionlabel>
        <pointlabel>Identify by Point</pointlabel>
        <linelabel>Identify by Polyline</linelabel>
        <rectlabel>Identify by Rectangle</rectlabel>
        <polylabel>Identify by Polygon</polylabel>
        <circlelabel>Identify by Circle</circlelabel>
        <ellipselabel>Identify by Ellipse</ellipselabel>
        <removeresultmessage>Remove Result</removeresultmessage>
        <idfrom>Identify From</idfrom>
        <noresultsfoundlabel>No Results Found</noresultsfoundlabel>
        <resultsfoundlabel>Results Found</resultsfoundlabel>
        <alllayers>All Layers</alllayers>
        <layersremaining>layers remaining:</layersremaining>
    <useproxy><!-- Enter the label of the MapService from the main config.xml -->
        <!--<proxymapservice label="Imagery" />
        <proxymapservice label="Streets" /> -->
<layers onlythese="true">
   <name>Pressurized Mains</name>
    <field name = "MSEX_ID" alias="MSEX_ID" />
    <field name = "SUB_TYPE" alias="Type of Main" />
    <field name = "DIAMETER" alias="Diameter" />
    <field name = "MATERIAL" alias="Material" />
    <field name = "LIFECYCLESTATUS" alias="Life Cycle Status" />
    <field name = "INSTALLDATE" alias="Installation Date" dateformat="MM/DD/YYYY" />
    <field name = "ACTIVATIONDATE" alias="Activation Date" dateformat="MM/DD/YYYY" />
    <field name = "LOCATION" alias="Location" />
    <field name = "LOCATIONDESCRIPTION" alias="Location Description" />
    <field name = "REPORTEDLENGTH" alias="Reported Length (ft)" />
    <field name = "SHAPE.LEN" alias="GIS Length (ft)" numberformat="2|,|."/>
    <field name = "WAM_ID" alias="WAM ID" />
    <field name = "CRITICALITY" alias="Criticality" />
    <field name = "MATERIALSPEC" alias="Material Specification" />
    <field name = "PIPECLASS" alias="Pipe Class" />
    <field name = "COMMENTS" alias="Comments" />

        <simplefillsymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.4"
            <outline color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" width="2" />
        <simplemarkersymbol style="circle" size="12"
            color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" angle="0">
            <outline style="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0.8"
                width="1" />
        <picturemarkersymbol url="assets/images/i_info.png"
            height="30" width="30" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" />
        <simplelinesymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8"
            width="2" />
Tags (2)
0 Kudos
16 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   Can you give me a screenshot of the rest service directory page for this layer (or just copy the test from that page)?
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Robert -

This the information from the REST Services for the layer titled "Pressurized Main"

ArcGIS Services Directory
Home > MSEX_Enterprise_TUI_TESI (MapServer) > Pressurized Mains  Help | API Reference

Layer: Pressurized Mains (ID: 16)
Parent Layer: Water Mains

Display Field: MSEX_ID

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline


Definition Expression:

Copyright Text:

Min. Scale: 150000

Max. Scale: 0

Default Visibility: True


XMin: 555140.000183105
YMin: 164442.531005859
XMax: 759743.955810547
YMax: 560517.237792969
Spatial Reference: 2235

Has Attachments: False

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone

Drawing Info:


Unique Value Renderer:

Field 1: LifecycleStatus
Field 2:
Field 3:
Field Delimiter: ,
Default Symbol:

Unsupported Symbol

Default Label:
Unique Value Infos:

Value: In-Service
Label: In-Service

Simple Line Symbol:
Style: esriSLSSolid, Color: [0, 112, 255, 255], Width: 1.5
Value: Out-of-Service
Label: Out-of-Service

Simple Line Symbol:
Style: esriSLSSolid, Color: [255, 211, 127, 255], Width: 1.5
Value: Abandoned
Label: Abandoned

Simple Line Symbol:
Style: esriSLSDash, Color: [104, 104, 104, 255], Width: 0.4
Transparency: 0
Labeling Info: N/A

OBJECTID (Type: esriFieldTypeOID, Alias: OBJECTID)
ENABLED (Type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, Alias: Enabled, Domain: Coded Values: [0: False], [1: True] )
MSEX_ID (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: MSEX_ID, Length: 50 )
DIAMETER (Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: Diameter, Domain: Coded Values: [0.5: 1/2"], [0.75: 3/4"], [1: 1"], ...23 more... )
INSTALLDATE (Type: esriFieldTypeDate, Alias: InstallDate, Length: 36 )
LIFECYCLESTATUS (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LifeCycleStatus, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [Planned: Planned], [In-Service: In-Service], [Out-of-Service: Out-of-Service], ...4 more... )
LOCATION (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Location, Length: 40 )
LOCATIONDESCRIPTION (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LocationDescription, Length: 200 )
COMMENTS (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Comments, Length: 255 )
MATERIAL (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Material, Length: 10, Domain: Coded Values: [DI: Ductile Iron], [CI: Cast Iron], [PE: Polyethylene], ...10 more... )
HYPERLINK (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Hyperlink, Length: 200 )
EDIT_BY (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Edit_By, Length: 30 )
EDIT_DATE (Type: esriFieldTypeDate, Alias: Edit_Date, Length: 36 )
DATASOURCE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: DataSource, Length: 50, Domain: Coded Values: [As_Built: As_Built], [DeveloperDrawing: DeveloperDrawing], [GPS: GPS], ...3 more... )
DATASOURCE_COMMENTS (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: DataSource_Comments, Length: 255 )
CRITICALITY (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Criticality, Length: 5, Domain: Coded Values: [1: 1], [2: 2], [3: 3], ...6 more... )
WAMPARENT_ID (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: WAMParent_ID, Length: 15 )
ACTIVATIONDATE (Type: esriFieldTypeDate, Alias: ActivationDate, Length: 36 )
WAM_DEPARTMENT (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: WAM_Department, Length: 50 )
WAM_AREA (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: WAM_Area, Length: 50 )
WAM_ID (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: WAM_ID, Length: 15 )
COMPANY (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Company, Length: 50, Domain: Coded Values: [MWC: Middlesex Water Company], [PWC: Pinelands Water], [SA: South Amboy], ...6 more... )
WAM_DESCRIPTION (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: WAM_Description, Length: 255 )
FAILURELIKELIHOOD (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: FAILURELIKELIHOOD, Length: 5, Domain: Coded Values: [1: 1], [2: 2], [3: 3], ...6 more... )
FAILURECONSEQINT (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: FAILURECONSEQINT, Length: 5, Domain: Coded Values: [1: 1], [2: 2], [3: 3], ...6 more... )
FAILURECONSEQEXT (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: FAILURECONSEQEXT, Length: 5, Domain: Coded Values: [1: 1], [2: 2], [3: 3], ...6 more... )
SUB_TYPE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Sub_Type, Length: 255, Domain: Coded Values: [Blowoff: Blowoff], [Bypass: Bypass], [AirRelease: AirRelease], ...10 more... )
MATERIALSPEC (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: MaterialSpec, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [TY: Tyton], [SB: SuperBell], [C900: C900], ...6 more... )
PIPECLASS (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: PipeClass, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [50: ThicknessClass_50], [51: ThicknessClass_51], [52: ThicknessClass_52], ...27 more... )
ROUGHNESS (Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: ROUGHNESS)
MANUFACTURER (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Manufacturer, Length: 50 )
DEPTH (Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: DEPTH)
CORROSIONPROTECTION (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: CorrosionProtection, Length: 25, Domain: Coded Values: [Poly Wrap: PolyWrap], [CathodicProtection: CathodicProtection], [None: None], ...2 more... )
LD_REMARKS (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_Remarks, Length: 255 )
LD_LINED_1 (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_Lined_1, Length: 20 )
LININGTYPE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LiningType, Length: 10, Domain: Coded Values: [FCL: Factory Cement Lined], [C&L: Cleaned & Lined], [Epoxy: Epoxy], ...3 more... )
LINEDATE (Type: esriFieldTypeDate, Alias: LineDate, Length: 36 )
LD_INCLUDE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_Include, Length: 10, Domain: Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No], [Unknown: Unknown] )
LD_BOOKPAGE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_BookPage, Length: 20 )
LD_BOOKLINE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_BookLine, Length: 20 )
LD_ROW (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_ROW, Length: 10, Domain: Coded Values: [Yes: Yes], [No: No], [Unknown: Unknown] )
DISTRICT (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: District, Length: 50 )
MUNICIPALITY (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Municipality, Length: 50 )
WATERTYPE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: WaterType, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [Raw: Raw Water], [Potable: Potable Water], [Non-Potable: Non-Potable], ...2 more... )
PRESSUREZONE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: PressureZone, Length: 30 )
LD_TCODE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_TCODE, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [CA: Carteret], [CL: Clark], [EB: East Brunswick], ...34 more... )
LD_FIREDISTRICT (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: LD_FireDistrict, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [CA: CA], [CL: CL], [EB: EB], ...56 more... )
ABANDONMENTTYPE (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: AbandonmentType, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [InPlace: InPlace], [Removed: Removed] )
ABANDONMENTMETHOD (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: AbandonmentMethod, Length: 20, Domain: Coded Values: [Capped/Plugged: Capped/Plugged], [Grouted: Grouted] )
ABANDONMENTDATE (Type: esriFieldTypeDate, Alias: AbandonmentDate, Length: 36 )
SHAPE (Type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, Alias: Shape)
SHAPE.LEN (Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: SHAPE.LEN)
Type ID Field: N/A

Supported Interfaces:   REST

Supported Operations:   Query

If you need anything else to help figure this out, please let me know.

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

   Nothing is sticking out as being the problem. Is it possible for you to provide this layer in a File GDB for me to test?
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Robert -

I have prepared a file gdb with just that layer in it, but I cannot attach to this thread in a public setting (utility security issues).  I would need to send it you in a private message, but you currently do not accept them.  Can you private message me with an alternative way to get the file to you?

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

   I took the data you provided and published it as a service and copied your exact XML from the first post (only changing the layer ID from 16 to 0) and it worked without issue as you can see in the attached image...

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor
I am having an odd issue that I can't seem to straighten out. I have a service with 30 raster images, which is pulling the "pixel value" information. Everything works great except the order of results. ID "0" is showing up in the place of ID "15" and ID "15" is always the first result. I tried re-arranging in the xml file but got the same result. ID "15" always wants to be at the top of the results list. The rest of the results are in the order that I added them into the XML file. Am I doing something wrong or does the widget not honor the ID order that is placed in the xml file?

Also if you delete from first value from the results, they are replace in the following order of deletion. ID# 14,17,13,18,12,19,11,20
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

   As this is a new question unrelated to the original, it would be better practice to start a new thread.

The order of the results is suppose to be determined by the order of the layers in the map, not how you have them listed in the IdentifyWidget.xml.
0 Kudos
Deactivated User
Robert -

Alright.  I guess I will have to try something similar and see if I can reproduce your successful results.  If that works, I guess I will start adding in the rest of the feature classes until it breaks.

Although, if it doesn't work with only that feature class, then I'm not sure what to do.

Thanks for investigating this!

0 Kudos
Deactivated User
I think I experience a similar problem.
My solution are public, so I have put up a small client to illustrate the problem.
Here is a description first:
I publish land use maps. In Norway, we have three levels for this maps, in the air (bridges etc), on ground/water and below ground (tunnels etc). Each level has identical layers (and lots of layers).
I am on ArcGISserver10.2 and on Flex viewer 3.5.
I experience, that when I publish one of the planning levels, coded values are displayed in with the identify widged.
When I publish two levels within same service, everything is still fine.
When I publish three levels, then the identify widget no longer returns coded value descriptions, only the codes, which are not very useful for the user.
Small client illustrating the problem:

Rest-adress to the the service that works:
Rest adress to the service that doesnt work:

The service that works has 89 layers, the one that do not deliver coded value decriptions has 134 layers

I would be thankful if anybody has a hint on how to solve this (if it is possible).
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