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Google® Street View Widget

06-12-2013 08:02 PM
MVP Emeritus


   Here is the next installment to my long list of widgets. I never really wanted to add to the list of several Street View Widgets, but as it's predecessors have lacked updating when new version of Flex Viewer are released and me wanting to add more features, I finally decided to do one myself.

The Google Street View Widget version 3.3 for Flex Viewer 3.3 allows you to view Google Street View Panoramas in a popup window. The widget use Google Maps API Version 3 and has almost all the API options for the Street View Panorama that are available in the API configurable in the widgets xml. A lot of attention has gone into the UI (User Inferface) and UX (User Experience) of this widget and a lot of cross browser testing has been done. Tested on Safari for windows 5.1.7, Internet Explorer 9, Opera 12.15, FireFox 21.0, and Chrome 27.0.1453.110 m.

Configurable features include:

    * hidestreetviewvwidowwhenminimized - This is a true or false value and determines if the graphic on the map and the Google Street View window are hidden when the widget is minimized.
    * width - The width of the popup widow that is opened.
    * height - The height of the popup widow that is opened.
    * apikey - The Google Maps API Key that you must obtain to use this widget.
    * addresscontrol - is a true or false value and determines if the Google Street View Address Control is visible.
      It has an attribute of controlposition that defines where in the popup window the control is placed.
    * clicktogo - is a true or false value and determines if the Google Street View will move to the location clicked.
    * disabledoubleclickzoom - is a true or false value and determines if the Google Street View will zoom into the
      location on the panorama where the user double clicks.
    * imagedatecontrol - is a true or false value and determines if the Google Street View will display the date of the
      panorama image was taken along the bottom of the window with the copyright info.
    * linkscontrol - is a true or false value and determines if the Google Street View will display the movement arrows
      and street names on the panorama for navigation purposes.
    * pancontrol - is a true or false value and determines if the Google Street View pan Control is visible.
      It has an attribute of controlposition that defines where in the popup window the control is placed.
    * zoomcontrol - is a true or false value and determines if the Google Street View zoom Control is visible.
      It has an attribute of controlposition that defines where in the popup window the control is placed and a
      controlstyle attribute that determines the size of the control.
    * All text that the widget uses is configurable in the xml to allow for internationalization of the widget.

So here it is:

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153 Replies
Frequent Contributor

   I just tested in IE11, FireFox 30, and Chrome 35 and all functioned fine.

Thanks Robert.
Appears there may have been some security settings changed by our IT security staff that affected Chrome and FireFox. IE works fine.
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Regular Contributor
Robert - this is so great. Thanks for your hard work and support to so many.

I've downloaded the latest version from April 2nd and have a quick question.

When I 'click' the GSV man button on the widget instead of dragging the man to the map, the GSV man is placed in the center of the map automatically. If I 'click' the button again the map location and GSV man automatically re-center with the map moving in a northwest direction at around 45 degrees.

Is there a way to disable the map click on the widget button to force users to drag the man to the map? I can foresee my elementary computer users not understanding to hold the mouse key down and getting frustrated sooner rather than later.

many thanks, Meg
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MVP Emeritus

   No there is no way currently to disable the button. If the user does not read the instructions or understand drag and drop principles then you could try and explain it better in the xmls instructions tag.
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Regular Contributor
Okay, Thanks for the quick response.
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Frequent Contributor
I have obtained an API key from Google, but keep getting this message when I try and use the widget in Flex viewer 3.6.

Otherwise the widget works good.

Any ideas on this message?
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MVP Emeritus

   You will get that message when you applied for your Google API key using a certain URL and then you attempt to use the key from an app that has a different url.
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Occasional Contributor


I've had the 3.6 version working for sometime now and noticed this message in the last couple of weeks.

"Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. See the Terms of Service for more information:"

I updated to the 3.7 and still get this message.   I created a new key but no resolve yet.   Any Ideas how to resolve?


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Deactivated User


I have NEVER been able to get this to work and not give me that msg. Good luck! If you find the secret please let me know.

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MVP Emeritus

Jeff and Arron,

   The only time I have seen that error is when the website that has the Street view widget is not listed in your Google API reffers list. You need to visit and then the API Access tab and ensure that the URL of your Flex viewer site is listed under Referers:

So as an example my live preview site is and I have gislap183/* and* listed as authorized referers for my API Key. The gislap183 is my development machine and the other of course is my production domain url. You will note the lack of http and the wildcard at the end of the domain.

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Occasional Contributor

My bad.  

1.  I was running this in debug on my local machine.  After placing the release on my web-server it functioned, but still got the "Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. See the Terms of Service for more information:"  message.

2.  As Robert describe, "the website that has the Street view widget is not listed in your Google API refers list:"   So, "Create new Server key" and add your i.p. or url as Robert mentioned above.  Or "Create new Browser Key for API Project"  add your url as above

This is the fix for my issue.

As always Robert,  Thanks so much for the help!  You are amazing!

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