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Format Numbers in Popup GUI in Viewer for Flex 3.3?

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06-14-2013 11:35 AM
New Contributor III
Within ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.3, can one format numbers within the pop-up Configure GUI, under the Custom tab? For example, the value for "KEY_1" will appear "bold" if entered as follows:

Key Number: <b>{KEY_1}</b>

Specifically, I don't want commas appearing within certain numbers, and wish others to only display to two decimal places. If accomplished by editing the .xml file relating the pop-up for this feature, I believe the following statements would apply (although my map acts a little quirky when I put these statements in):

<field name="KEY_1" alias="Key Number:" visible="true"> <format usethousandsseparator="false"/> </field>

<field name="Shape.area" alias="Shape.area (sq.ft.): " visible="true"> <format precision="2"/> </field>

I would rather accomplish this within the GUI if it's possible.

Thank you, in advance, for any assistance.
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1 Solution

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MVP Emeritus

   The GUI is not currently capable of assigning field formats.

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   The GUI is not currently capable of assigning field formats.
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New Contributor III
Thank you very much, Robert, for the quick response. Take care!
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