Hi all -
I'm using the Robert's eSearch widget v. 3.6.8.
I have a feature class with a joined table. Whenever I use the eSearch widget the maximum number of records (n=1000) is returned as if it's selecting everything in the feature class. I know it should only return 3 records based on my search criteria.
The field names in the .xml are set correctly based on the REST service between the two tables:
The only difference between this feature class and others that are working correctly in the same service is the join.
Any ideas if this is a bug? I'm having trouble navigating the GeoNet site to look around.... And actually - anyone have a beginners guide to how to even use the GeoNet site!?
Many thanks,
OKAY! Let me make ALL the changes your mentioned and I’ll get back to you.
You are invaluable….
Meg Peterson
GIS Programmer/Analyst | Planning / Stewardship / GIS Services
East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605
Tel: 510-544-2322 | Fax: 510-635-3478
mpeterson@ebparks.org<mailto:mpeterson@ebparks.org> | www.ebparks.org<http://www.ebparks.org>
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P Please consider the environment before you print
Instead of doing a text search, could you try a graphical one? I’ve removed the closing tag mishaps etc but I’m still having trouble.
Here’s the edited .xml
I’m using the point for my search and it returns 1000.
Returns this:
Meg Peterson
GIS Programmer/Analyst | Planning / Stewardship / GIS Services
East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605
Tel: 510-544-2322 | Fax: 510-635-3478
mpeterson@ebparks.org<mailto:mpeterson@ebparks.org> | www.ebparks.org<http://www.ebparks.org>
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P Please consider the environment before you print
Could you send me back the edited .xml you were working with? Maybe I’m just fizzing out on Friday afternoon….
I’m still getting the 1000 error and you seem to be doing fine! Thanks for your help. I’ll let you know if your .xml solves my problem.
Have a good weekend, Meg
Meg Peterson
GIS Programmer/Analyst | Planning / Stewardship / GIS Services
East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605
Tel: 510-544-2322 | Fax: 510-635-3478
mpeterson@ebparks.org<mailto:mpeterson@ebparks.org> | www.ebparks.org<http://www.ebparks.org>
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P Please consider the environment before you print
Here it is but remember that all the field names are different as they are coming from the shapefiles you provided instead of the FCs you have:
<name>VEGETATION: Special Status Plants (EBRPD)</name>
<expression alias="" textsearchlabel="Search by Treatment Number">
<value prompt="Example: Fritillaria">Lower(Sp_plants.SCI_NAME) like Lower('%[value]%')</value>
<graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select features</graphicalsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="Export_Output.COMMON_NAM" alias="COMMON NAME" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.SCI_NAME" alias="SCIENTIFIC NAME" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.TOTAL_NO" alias="TOTAL NUMBER" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.MATURE_NO" alias="MATURE NUMBER" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.NOTES" alias="NOTES" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.SOURCE" alias="SOURCE" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.Acres" alias="ACRES" numberformat="2|,|." sum="true" sumlabel="TOTAL GIS CALCULATED ACRES" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Export_Output.BLOOM_DATE" alias="BLOOM DATE" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Export_Output.CEQA_REQ" alias="CEQA REQUIRED?" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Export_Output.FED_STATUS" alias="FEDERAL STATUS" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Export_Output.CA_STATUS" alias="CA. STATUS" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Export_Output.CNPS_LIST" alias="CNPS LIST" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Export_Output.ECNPS_CEQA" alias="E. BAY CNPS CEQA REQUIRED?" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Export_Output.EB_STATUS" alias="EBRPD STATUS IF CEQA REQUIRED" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.PARK_NAME" alias="PARK" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.Botanist" alias="BOTANIST" gridfield="true"/>
<field name="Sp_plants.SURV_DATE" alias="SURVEY DATE" gridfield="true"/>
<zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="2"></zoomscale>
<enableprintgrid title="RTA Information">true</enableprintgrid>
<simplefillsymbol color="0xC500FF" alpha="0">
<outline color="0xFFFF00" alpha="1" width="4" />
I'm going to plug in your .xml this morning and see if that works. Thanks for sending.
Can you do me a quick favor and try a graphical search looking for "Clarkia franciscana". I'm wondering if my data may be corrupt. I always get a "Fritillaria sp" return.
Thanks again.
Meg Peterson
GIS Programmer/Analyst | Planning / Stewardship / GIS Services
East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605
Tel: 510-544-2322 | Fax: 510-635-3478
mpeterson@ebparks.org<mailto:mpeterson@ebparks.org> | www.ebparks.org<http://www.ebparks.org/>
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P Please consider the environment before you print
Being unfamiliar with your data, I normally do a text search first to get me to the correct location on the map then I clear the selection and do a graphical selection. I did this text search for "Clarkia franciscana" and then clicked on one of the results to get my map to the proper area and then cleared the selection and did a graphical search and it worked fine returning about 85 "Clarkia franciscana" in my envelope I drew.
Okay - good to know. Thanks.
Meg Peterson
GIS Programmer/Analyst | Planning / Stewardship / GIS Services
East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605
Tel: 510-544-2322 | Fax: 510-635-3478
mpeterson@ebparks.org<mailto:mpeterson@ebparks.org> | www.ebparks.org<http://www.ebparks.org/>
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P Please consider the environment before you print
Okay - i just did an interesting test.
I cleaned the project, deleted my browsing history, and then deleted and recreated the service. Then using the graphic rectangle, drew a square out in the ocean where no data resides, and got.... a record return of 1000. This is using your .xml and mine.
The other graphic searches on layers in the xml are working fine. Have you ever seen this behavior before? Sorry for the constant back and forth.
Meg Peterson
GIS Programmer/Analyst | Planning / Stewardship / GIS Services
East Bay Regional Park District
2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA 94605
Tel: 510-544-2322 | Fax: 510-635-3478
mpeterson@ebparks.org<mailto:mpeterson@ebparks.org> | www.ebparks.org<http://www.ebparks.org/>
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P Please consider the environment before you print
Try using my map service I built using the data you sent me.