I believe I am using the 3.5 version of your E-Search widget, but I am not 100% sure and I cannot remember how to get this information.
Also, this version was running fine against AGS v10.0 services and now I am testing it against AGS v10.2 services, but it is not returning results. Does E-Search v3.5 support AGS v10.2 services?
Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks
You can check which version of the widget you are using by holding the Alt key and clicking on the widget name. Yes 3.5 supports 10.2 services
Thank you Robert.
Does the Enhanced Search widget use a geometry service? If so, is it an ESRI public geometry service?
It uses what ever geometry service that you setup in your viewers main config.xml
Thank you Robert. It has been awhile since I have looked at the FlexViewer software and I forgot that a geometry service is configured in the main config file for the overall application.
Is it difficult to add new parameters to a config file and modify an existing mxml file to read in the parameters? Do you know of good documentation that would help in this endeavor?
No it is not difficult, but I don't know of any docs on it. Just open the mxml and find the init function (or what ever that widget calls when the widgetConfigLoaded event fires and you will see several lines like:
csvSep = configXML.csvseparator || ",";
the csvseperator is the xml element in the widgets config xml file that is being retrieved.
So in Version 3.0 there is some issue you are going to have to work around. You need to use uniquevalsfromfield instead of domain as using domain in 3.0 will force you to have a value for each domain field. The next issue you will have to Just deal with in version 3.0 is that once you have chosen a value from the dropdown list the search will automatically be executed (this was fixed in latter releases). I am going to assume that your diameter field is numeric and not a string and I adjusted your expression for that assumption.
Here is a corrected configuration for your layer:<layer> <definitionexpression></definitionexpression> <enableexport>true</enableexport> <name>Water Mains</name> <url>http://gis-01/ArcGIS/rest/services/MAP_DOCS/dmww_water_server/MapServer/23</url> <expressions> <expression alias="Material,Diameter and Install Date" textsearchlabel="Search Material:" isvaluerequired="false"> <values> <value prompt="Material" uniquevalsfromfield="MATERIAL" isvaluerequired="false">MATERIAL = '[value]'</value> <value prompt="Diameter" uniquevalsfromfield="DIAMETER" isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">DIAMETER = [value]</value> <value prompt="Example: 01/01/2007 Install Date" isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">INSTALLDATE >= date '[value] 00:00:00'</value> </values> </expression> </expressions> <graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Water Mains</graphicalsearchlabel> <spatialsearchlayer>true</spatialsearchlayer> <titlefield>FACILITYID</titlefield> <fields all="false"> <field name="DIAMETER" gridfield="true" /> <field name="FACILITYID" gridfield="true" /> <field name="MATERIAL" gridfield="true" /> <field name="INSTALLDATE" gridfield="true" dateformat="MM/DD/YYYY" useutc="true" /> </fields> <links/> <zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6"></zoomscale> <autoopendatagrid>false</autoopendatagrid> <queryattachments>false</queryattachments> <relates/> <symbology> <simplelinesymbol color="0x00ff00" alpha="0.8" width="2" /> </symbology> </layer>
So in Version 3.0 there is some issue you are going to have to work around. You need to use uniquevalsfromfield instead of domain as using domain in 3.0 will force you to have a value for each domain field. The next issue you will have to Just deal with in version 3.0 is that once you have chosen a value from the dropdown list the search will automatically be executed (this was fixed in latter releases). I am going to assume that your diameter field is numeric and not a string and I adjusted your expression for that assumption.
Here is a corrected configuration for your layer:<layer> <definitionexpression></definitionexpression> <enableexport>true</enableexport> <name>Water Mains</name> <url>http://gis-01/ArcGIS/rest/services/MAP_DOCS/dmww_water_server/MapServer/23</url> <expressions> <expression alias="Material,Diameter and Install Date" textsearchlabel="Search Material:" isvaluerequired="false"> <values> <value prompt="Material" uniquevalsfromfield="MATERIAL" isvaluerequired="false">MATERIAL = '[value]'</value> <value prompt="Diameter" uniquevalsfromfield="DIAMETER" isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">DIAMETER = [value]</value> <value prompt="Example: 01/01/2007 Install Date" isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">INSTALLDATE >= date '[value] 00:00:00'</value> </values> </expression> </expressions> <graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Water Mains</graphicalsearchlabel> <spatialsearchlayer>true</spatialsearchlayer> <titlefield>FACILITYID</titlefield> <fields all="false"> <field name="DIAMETER" gridfield="true" /> <field name="FACILITYID" gridfield="true" /> <field name="MATERIAL" gridfield="true" /> <field name="INSTALLDATE" gridfield="true" dateformat="MM/DD/YYYY" useutc="true" /> </fields> <links/> <zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6"></zoomscale> <autoopendatagrid>false</autoopendatagrid> <queryattachments>false</queryattachments> <relates/> <symbology> <simplelinesymbol color="0x00ff00" alpha="0.8" width="2" /> </symbology> </layer>