Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part III

04-30-2013 03:58 PM
MVP Emeritus

   Here is a new thread to post questions and discuss the Enhanched Search Widget. The old thread was getting too long.
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776 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   Are the shape and objectid fields visible in your data or do you have them hidden when you published the service? I honestly have no experience with database views working in my widget so you might be the first...(and it might not work with them).
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New Contributor III
Can you tell me how to restrict the list of fields in the results window?  I specified 3 fields in the IdentifyWidget.xml but the results show all fields. 
Viewer for Flex (Application Builder) ver 3.3. 
I installed the widget using Identify-master.zip.
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New Contributor

Great widget! I wanted to get your thoughts/opinions/plans on the possibility of this widget being used as an individual widget for each individual data layer in an application. For example, rather than using the Query Widget for data layer "A" and data layer "B" separately, the Query Widget could be replaced by the eSearch Widget for both of these data layers. When the eSearch widget was open for both data layer "A" and data layer "B", the data grid would populate with a tab for data layer, similar to the way the Attribute Table Widget works, but with the ability to do spatial and text queries and not have to be bound to the operation layers.
Is that possible? And would that be a major development effort?


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Occasional Contributor
Thanks for the insight Robert.

What I've got going on is that I have a url that takes 4 parameters.  I've modified configurePopUpInfo to concatenate 3 of the parameters (flex global variables) to the url string (specified in the xml) if a particular link alias is encountered (I have 2 links).  The 4th parameter is a field value that I want to concatenate to the end of this string.  I've modified configurePopUpInfo to take qFields:XMLList as a second parameter.  I've also added the queryFields parameter to calls to configurePopUpInfo.  When I attempt to loop through the XML list, in configurePopUpInfo, it seems like it's either empty, or I'm returning something other than a string representation of each value (it only loops through the list once but I have 4 fields).  Any thoughts that might steer me in the right direction?
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New Contributor III
The widget opens in the app but my edits don't display for the Text Search under Search Layer list or Search Layer Field list.  What else do I edit in the xml?  Do I need to compile the xml?  Do I need to do anything with the SWF file like copy a new one from the eSearch.zip file?
Viewer for Flex (Application Builder) ver 3.3. 
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Occasional Contributor II
Hello all,

Server 10.1
Viewer 3.2
eSearch 3.2.1

I'm having an issue with a 2032 error. I get it after querying a related table. The strangest part to me is that the search works perfectly, and then it displays a dialog box some time afterwards that just says, "2032 error." I am able to open a PDF from a related record, but then a few seconds later I get the 2032 dialog box from the viewer.

I downloaded a web debugger (Fiddler 2.0) and got this error entry which coincides with the timing of the error message:
# Result Protocol Host URL Body Caching Content-Type Process Comments Custom
346 500 HTTP fs-gdb10:6080 /arcgis/rest/services/SuffolkCounty/ContractRelate/MapServer/1/queryRelatedRecords?outFields=OBJECTID&f=amf&outSR=102100&relationshipId=0&returnGeometry=true&objectIds= 333  text/html;charset=utf-8 iexplore:4900

At this point, I am out of my comfort zone. Any help is appreciated.
-Corbin de Bruin
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Esteemed Contributor

Have you tried running your FlexViewer app in different browsers such as FireFox and Chrome?  If you are already using Internet Explorer, what version of that software are you testing against?
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Occasional Contributor II

I have now tested against the latest versions of IE, Firefox, and Chrome. Same result.
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Esteemed Contributor
It could be the way you have created your layers and also the way you have defined your fields in esearchwidget.xml that is causing the inconsistency.  Just something to check.
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Occasional Contributor II
I tested both the service and the configuration file in a 3.0 viewer with the 3.1.0 eSearch. That all worked as it's supposed to, so I don't think anything is going wrong on my end. I think it's either the 3.2 viewer not handling relates correctly or 3.2.2 eSearch not handling relates correctly.
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