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Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part II

04-19-2012 08:03 AM
MVP Emeritus

   I am pleased to announce the next release of my eSearch Widget.

Version - 4/19/2012
* Added ability to search (flat/standalone/no geometry) tables.
* This time all Zooming uses the same scaling (popup, datagrid, widget results, zoom to all).
* Added Relates icon/button to datagrids so that you can click on it in the datagrid to
  open relates choice dialog.
* Move all skins to a skins package for cleaner organization.
* Links that are not associated with a field now work.
* Ability to disable the relates tab in the fixed widget is now configurable.
552 Replies
Deactivated User

       I have NOT seen this and I just tested and could not duplicate your issue.
Are you sure you are using App Builder 3.1?

    I thought it might be the standard permissions elevation issue people run into (Where you have to right click on the app builder icon and choose run as Administrator to give it write permission to the inetpub directory), but that did not make a difference as it added the widget for me without elevated permissions.

Hi Robert,

I am using App Builder 3.1. And yeah, choosing run as Administrator did not make a difference. What's odd is when I go back in to the Application Builder later, I see the enhanced search widget is actually there, but it shows a broken link image for the icon, and when I go to edit the widget in the Application Builder the Widget Settings screen only shows <configuration/>, and not all the xml.

I tried adding Esri's example Heat Map Widget just to see if I could get any custom widget to work. When I try to add it I receive a different error "Custom widget import failed: Could not find widget SWF." Not sure what that's about as I am using the supplied zip file for app builder.

If you have any other suggestion on what I might try I would appreciate it.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi Robert-
I updated to v3.1.11 last week and was curious if you could tell me how I can disable the toggle on the graphical search tools. That particular function is conflicting with a few other custom code changes I've made and the result is that I now have to click on a specific graphical tool button twice to select it for use. If it's possible I'd like to just disable the toggle function altogether - I've tried looking but I can't find where to do it. If it's not a simple change please let me know and I'll go back to v.3.1.10 for the time being.
Thank you,
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MVP Emeritus

   It is pretty simple to find. I even have it commented. Look for "Allow button to act as toggle buttons" in the activateSearchTool function. Uncomment the two lines above that comment and then remove or delete everything in that if else under the comment.
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Emerging Contributor

   It is pretty simple to find. I even have it commented. Look for "Allow button to act as toggle buttons" in the activateSearchTool function. Uncomment the two lines above that comment and then remove or delete everything in that if else under the comment.

wow. I'm obviously blind. I've been looking through the mxml all morning and never saw that. thank you!
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Honored Contributor

Have a look at this thread:


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Frequent Contributor
I just upgraded to the latest eSearch release. Upon doing so, I notice a dark blue box, with no outline, around some of my searches. It only is showing up when I have a 2-part query, i.e. a sql statement with AND/OR in it. It shows up on the second box. The XML for the search for the graphic here is below. If this is intended, it seems weird. I'd like to go back to the old display. The queries do seem to be working fine.

<expressions><expression alias="Address" textsearchlabel="Search Services by Street Name and Number:" isvaluerequired="true"><values><value prompt="Example: 233" userlist="" isvaluerequired="false">ADDRESS = [value]</value><value prompt="Example: Flax Hill" userlist="" isvaluerequired="true" operator="AND">LOCATION like '%[value]%'</value></values></expression><expression alias="Account #" textsearchlabel="Search Services by Account Number:" isvaluerequired="false"><values><value prompt="Example: 11651" userlist="" isvaluerequired="true">ACCNT_NO =[value]</value></values></expression></expressions>

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MVP Emeritus

   It is absolutely intended... The alternating colors are intended to distinguish the labels and inputs of each expression value from one another. There is no option for going back to the way it was.
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Emerging Contributor
I am finally upgrading to the latest version of flex from version 2.5 and I am also upgrading to the latest version of this excellent widget.  One element that I no longer see listed in the documentation is linkfield.  I was using this element to provide an external link for each parcel, so the contents of this element looked like this:
<linkfield linkprefix="http://externalurl..." linksuffix="">PIN</linkfield>

The PIN field is our parcel number and we have a site that has a PDF document for every parcel in our database.

Do I now need to use a field element to do this?  Like this portion of the sample file?

<field name="agree_with_incident" alias="Website Link" hyperlinkgridfield="true" hyperlinkaliastext="Go to Website" 
linkprefix="http://someWebSite/aspx/web/details.aspx?p_entity=" linksuffix=".aspx"/>
0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

   There has been LOTS of changes since then. If you are try to add a link field in the datagrid then yes the xml you referenced is what you need. If you want a link in the widget results/popups than you nee to use the links tag:

                <link alias="View Traffic Photo" disablelinksifnull="true">
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Deactivated User

  Thank you for your contributions to ArcGIS Viewer for Flex, Robert.

I am upgrading our site from 3.0 to 3.1.  The eSearch widget is being used on our 3.0 site.  It is working well in 3.1, but I am having a minor change in behavior with the symbology.  I'm new enough to Flex that I still don't know the terms, but there is a sort of buffered shadow that has been applied in the 3.0 version that shows up in the search results box and in the selected feature on the map.  In the 3.1 version, it continues to show up in the search results, but no longer shows up in the map.  All of the symbology is drawing as I want it to, save for that.
Somewhat connected to this is that when I use the print widget to print (I am using the ExportWebMap server task option), it apparently ignores transparency and outline symbology, so I will get, for instance, a flat red polygon fill with something like that standard ArcGIS selection color, when it is displayed exactly as I want in the map.  Is this something with the widget or how I am configuring it, or is there another area in Flex that I should be hunting down?

To be honest, I did copy the configuration from 3.0, but I read the instructions and tried to observe the changes in tag spellings/usage after I did so.
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