Editing feature problem

06-11-2013 06:31 PM
New Contributor III

I have a problem with Viewer for Flex 3.3 Russian, EditWidget, ArcGIS Server for WG 10 sp5.

I can create new features, and I can update new feature' s geometry and attributes . But I couldn't edit old features created in ArcMap in geodatabase in some feature classes. My Flex Builder or Web application freeze and 2-3 minutes later I can see attribute form without attributes with labels Delete and Cancel only. Feature is selected but feature geometry is also without nodes.

I can edit only some features in another feature class.

And I can edit this feature service correctly in Silverlight Viewer for ArcGIS.

Any help please
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Are you using the compiled Edit Widget or have you modified it in same way?

Most likely there is something different or special with your feature service.  If the service is public, can you share the URL?

Also, try with some of the sampleserver to make sure they work for you (thus making it more likely there is something specific with your service or server that is causing the issue):

You might want to compare the settings of these services with yours.

Also, if you could capture the exact REST request and response when it fails for you, that might be helpful to solve the problem.  You can use firebug/httpfox/fiddler/charles to find this out if you are familiar with these tools.
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New Contributor III
Hi,  Bjorn.

First part.

I use native compiled Edit Widget Flex 3.3 Russian, ArcGIS Server WG 10 sp5

Sorry, my feature service isn't public, intranet only.

I try your sampleserver and Edit Widget work correct with sample feature services.

I couldn't fully compare sample  services with my due version differences 10.11 vs my 10.05.

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