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Date Range Search Expression Advanced eSearch Widget

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06-12-2012 10:46 AM
Regular Contributor
Hello All,

This is just a general question for other GIS Developers who have worked with Robert's eSearch widget for the Flex Viewer.

I have been customizing the eSearch to meet our web application needs, and I am about to attempt another major customization.

I am looking to create a search by date range function that will allow the user to select a start/end date, and then additionally select a drop down attribute value (optional).

For example, think of crimes.  I am wanting a way that the end user can first select the Crimes Layer, select a date range, then have the option to select a crime type, for instance Arson Crimes.  So if the user chose a start date of 3/1/2012 and an end date of 3/30/2012, and then also selected Arson from the Crime Type drop down, then only Arson crimes in March 2012 would be displayed.

Has anyone been working on doing something similar?

My idea is that I will create the date range selection tool, and make it visible when Crimes are the selected layer.  Then build the SQL function so that if the date range and crime type have values, the appropriate AND statement is constructed.

I'm just looking for any tips from developers who have attempted or successfully completed a similar task.  Not necessarily looking for sample code.  Just brainstorming, really.

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11 Replies
New Contributor II

I was using the 2.5 Flex Viewer and everything I added was to the uncompiled version of Robert's widget.

I have not even looked at the 3.1 version, but that is mainly because I am moving away from Flex and doing Javascript now.

The changes from 2.5 to 3.1 are quite substantial, and with my time no longer devoted to Flex I have no idea when I will get around to configuring the widget to the 3.x version.

Chris B.

Thanks Chris for your answer.
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Occasional Contributor
Hello all,

I'm wondering if anyone here has had luck with modifying Rob's eSearch widget to search by date ranges (other than using the direct SQL option). It looks like there was some progress a while back but nothing more recent.  Has anyone some code to share on how to accomplish what Christopher Blinn did with his modifications (from earlier posts in this thread)?


~ D
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