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Popups are slow to respond

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01-20-2012 10:53 AM
Occasional Contributor III
Good Afternoon,

What can be done differently to have a quicker response time on a popup after the map has been clicked?  It currently takes 5 to 10 seconds for the popup to appear for some of the sublayers.

I have 15 operational layers and 7 of them have been configured to use popups on their sublayers.   Not all of the operational layers are visible at the same time, usually just 5 or so.  Any suggestions?


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Occasional Contributor III
The problem went away after I cleared the Rest cache.  It will sometimes take a bit longer than usual but I am attributing that to the entire system being bogged down by users.



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8 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
The problem went away after I cleared the Rest cache.  It will sometimes take a bit longer than usual but I am attributing that to the entire system being bogged down by users.


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Regular Contributor
I have the same problem and I am using 10.1 which automatically clears the REST cache (although it wouldn't surprize me if that wasn't working).  My users need to click on a line, read a number in the popup and then click another link usually within 2 seconds.  It takes several clicks and about 6 seconds to do it now.
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Occasional Contributor
RE: Slow pop-ups : I'm experiencing the same problem with 10.1

I recently made the jump from ArcGIS Server 10.01/flexviewer 2.5 to ArcGIS Server 10.1/flexviewer3.4 - in flexviewer 2.5/ArcGIS Server 10.0, I had a large feature class (parcels for an entire county) that loaded pretty quickly into the mapviewer without doing anything extra and it displayed quickly with no problems - after the upgrade it wont load/appear at all unless I cache the layer - that solved the feature load but not the popup speed. It now takes about 15-18 seconds for a popup to appear, whereas before it was 1-2 seconds.  A point layer in the same viewer from the same enterprise database that is not cached that has 1900 features loads in a second, as do its popups.  Any ideas/thoughts?

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Occasional Contributor III
Hi Danor,

I am still using arc server 10.1 with flexviewer 3.2 and my popups sped up when I formatted them a bit different.  I was using the <description><![CDATA.....     to enter the information in the popup.  Once I figured out how to properly fill in the <media type...    to show my hyperlinks, I quit using the <description> tag and they sped up. 

On another note, when we first went to 10.1, we had a major slow down but that was because of the issue of using "Geometry" as the spatial type for feature classes.  In 10.1, "Geometry" is the default and is much slower than "SDEBinary".  Once we changed every feature class to SDEBinary, everything sped up.


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Occasional Contributor
Hi Danor,

I am still using arc server 10.1 with flexviewer 3.2 and my popups sped up when I formatted them a bit different.  I was using the <description><![CDATA.....     to enter the information in the popup.  Once I figured out how to properly fill in the <media type...    to show my hyperlinks, I quit using the <description> tag and they sped up. 


Thanks for the response and advice.  Could you post an example of your code? This is the first I am hearing of not using the 'description' tag, so I'm not sure what you did.

~ D
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Occasional Contributor III
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <title>PIN: {PIN}</title>
        <field name="PIN"></field>
        <field name="OWNER_NAME" alias="Owner Name" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="ADDRESS_1"   alias="Owner Address1" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="ADDRESS_2" alias="Owner Address2"></field>
     <field name="ADDRESS_3" alias="Owner Address3" visible="true"></field>
     <field name="CITY_NAME" alias="City Name" visible="true"></field>
     <field name="ST" alias="State" visible="true"></field>
     <field name="ZIPCODE" alias="Zip Code" visible="true"></field>
     <field name="USEDESC" alias="Use Description" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="BLDGCNT" alias="Number of Buildings" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="XFOBCNT" alias="Number of Extra Features on Parcel" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="SALEDT1" alias="Latest Sale Date" visible="true">
           <format dateformat="year" usethousandsseparator="false" useutc="true"/>
        <field name="SALEADJ1" alias="Latest Sale Price" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="B_AYB" alias="Building Year Built" visible="true">
           <format dateformat="year" usethousandsseparator="false" useutc="true"/>
        <field name="GIS_ACRE" alias="GIS Parcel Acreage" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="LEGL1" alias="Legal Description" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="LEGL2" alias="Legal Description Cont'd" visible="true"></field>
        <field name="LEGL3" alias="Legal Description Cont'd" visible="true"></field> 
     <media type="image" imagesource="assets/images/OCPropAppSeal.png" width="8" height="8" imagelink = "{PIN}"></media>

The above is our popup for our parcel map which has a hyperlink to the property appraiser website for their property card.

Hope this helps..

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Occasional Contributor
The above is our popup for our parcel map which has a hyperlink to the property appraiser website for their property card.

Hope this helps..


Thanks very much. I will attempt to impliment ASAP.
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Occasional Contributor

On another note, when we first went to 10.1, we had a major slow down but that was because of the issue of using "Geometry" as the spatial type for feature classes.  In 10.1, "Geometry" is the default and is much slower than "SDEBinary".  Once we changed every feature class to SDEBinary, everything sped up.

This was the fix for me. Once I used keyword 'SDEBINARY' and loaded the data that way, everything worked as it had before.  Thanks a million, this saved me alot of work and sped things up significantly.
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