I am attempting to set up our new Flex viewer using the new format from ESRI and updated Flashbuilder.
My code is below, I don't want to use the arcgis online services at all but I seem to be running into an issue as soon as I remove those services from my application and add in mine then my screen goes blank. The framework is still there and I can even do a address locate but no map is there. It even ZOOMS IN.. Where is my map? Is there some where else I have to change coordinate systems to take it off of WebMercator or is it something totally different?
First, in the future please post all Flex Viewer questions to the Flex Viewer forum.
Is the initial and full extents that you have in the map element from your data? If you go to your web browser and enter "http://ch-gis/ArcGIS/rest/services/Basemap/MapServer" you can find the extents of your data.
Do you have any operational layers in your config?