I�??m looking for a way to organize bookmarks. I have an end user that has a rather large geographic territory. It would be nice if I could somehow organize them hierarchically/treeview, such as state be able to expand to cities. Anyone else done this?
Thanks and hope to see some of you at the UC,
No, but it would still be nice! I just haven't had the time to develop anything yet. Seems like something we all could use....
Did someone find anything yet? I just scanned the ESRI pagers and couldn't find a solution. We would like to have the possivbility to organise the bookmarks and "my places" in a treeview style.
Frank & others,
Have you seen this widget? http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=df56092010f043589b6847b3f9cf0947
i think Frank is after the tree structure of your link widget but for bookmarks not links.
Thanks I did read close enough.
Frank & Others,
Well I felt kind of dumb when I posted the other day about my Link List widget and did not read that you were looking for a bookmark widget not a link list.... So anyway I started whip up an Enhanced Bookmark widget based on my Link List widget and the esri bookmark widget. Well it took a little longer than I wanted it to but I now have another widget to add to my collection for you. My enhanced bookmark widget uses a hierarchical data structure in a tree, so that you can nest or group bookmarks to have them easier to find and organize.