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AppBuilder Issues

06-20-2012 03:45 PM
New Contributor II
Hi, I am trying out the AppBuilder app to configure a Flexviewer 3 viewer.

It appears that the geometry service is being overwritte each time the config file gets saved.
As I use my own Geometry Service, this behaviour is not so helpful.

Also, I am not getting any icons for the base maps in the Map Switcher.
When I use ArcGIS Online maps I get a Portal Error, and no icons
When I use Bing (added manually), I get no icons.
When I use ArcGIS Services, I get no icons.

I see there is an extra parameter for ArcGIS online maps to specigy an icon.
This does not seem to be a documented feature.

Should we be specifying this for Bing and Other Base Map Servies?

Finally, perhaps a bit particular to my set up - I am not able to create the initial Web App through AppBuilder.
It appears there are copy errors, I copy up to a DMZ, so I think this is probably permissions and/or flash related, but I thought I would mention it.
If I manually copy the app up to the correct place I can then all appears to work , as far as I have tested.


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4 Replies
Esri Contributor
It appears that the geometry service is being overwritte each time the config file gets saved.
As I use my own Geometry Service, this behaviour is not so helpful.

Thanks for reporting this.

When I use ArcGIS Online maps I get a Portal Error

Do you have access to ArcGIS online? By default, Appbuilder tries to connect to ArcGIS Online portal by default. If you have your own portal, you can specify portal url in settings page of app builder. Ive created Bug for appbuilder to not require portal.

I see there is an extra parameter for ArcGIS online maps to specigy an icon.
This does not seem to be a documented feature.

Doc will be updated. Thanks for pointing this out.

Should we be specifying this for Bing and Other Base Map Servies?


It appears there are copy errors, I copy up to a DMZ, so I think this is  probably permissions and/or flash related, but I thought I would  mention it.

What is the error that you are getting? is there any folder getting created at the copied location? Could you run your app builder with account having admin rights? in Windows you can right click on app builder icon/shortcut   and click run as...

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New Contributor II

Hi I tried creating a project again. This time it copied up OK, must have been a glitch on my side.
The apps and popups folders are not copied up though, if this is important.

I didn't log into before starting so I guess that is why I get a portal error.

As for the Basemaps icons, I don't get an icon when adding an ArcGISOnline basemap or an example ArcGIS server Layer.

I also tested this from a manual copy of flexviewer 3
I get no icons for the above basemaps. When I put this url in a web browser it finds the icon - the url includes

I copied the icon to a place on my server and still don't see it in teh mapswitcher!?

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Esri Contributor
The apps and popups folders are not copied up though, if this is important.

These two folders are for supporting default configs that comes with separate download of compiled Flex viewer and Flex viewer source code. This two folders are not included with the compiled viewer that comes with App builder.

I didn't log into before starting so I guess that is why I get a portal error.

By default, you dont have to login to  In this case publicly shared items will be displayed. You need to login to to see content that you  own or shared to you.

As for the Basemaps icons, I don't get an icon when adding an ArcGISOnline basemap or an example ArcGIS server Layer.

I also tested this from a manual copy of flexviewer 3
I get no icons for the above basemaps. When I put this url in a web browser it finds the icon - the url includes

I copied the icon to a place on my server and still don't see it in teh mapswitcher!?

ery/MapServer" visible="true"/>


Could you try something like this? does it show icon?

<layer type="tiled"  label="Imagery"  icon=""  url="
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New Contributor II
Hi, I can confirm that I connot access coorectly as you suggestion did not work.
When addin in basemaps from appbuilder it gives a similar url.

I have managed to copy the thumbnails from the respective locations and access them from my own server.
This isn't a viable solution , however as each time I add a new basemap or delete and add in in the same basemap the url is overwritten.


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