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Advanced print solution

02-19-2011 10:52 AM
Frequent Contributor
Please find in the codegallery my first version of an advanced print solution:

The backend is developed in Java as a ServerObjectExtension: PChPrintSOE

The communication to the SOE is realized by the REST.
So, any client can be used Flex, Javascript, ...
I just created a simple FlexWidget.

Some features:
- full print over the rest api (usable by any client)
- export to pdf,jpeg,png,emf and mxd!
- view paper layout extent live on map
- make print on a "template" mapservice by keeping the predefined layout
- multi-mapservices/multi-server support
- add graphics on the map view positioned in map units
- add elements on the layout view positioned in paper units like scalebar, scaletext

The code is under full development:
- support for wms layer
- code clean up and reorganization

Any suggestions, remarques or help is welcome.

Live demo with public Esri mapservices (last print button):
   - use this print widget with your PChPrintSOE-enabled mapservices for high quality
   - draw first some graphics with the DrawWidget prior making your print (in mxd format)
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296 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Good morning (here at least) Tom,
I had your advanced print widget working in 2.4 viewer - with some tweaks to the uncompiled code.  I am now trying to implement the widget you created in the 2.5 viewer.  I have many compile errors.

As I type this - it appears that the latest files I downloaded did not have the json folder.  When I added this folder to my Flash project, I received even more errors - mainly AgsJsonElement related errors found in the PchPrintWidget.mxml & the PopUp_pictureElement.mxml files.

Could you advise?
Thanks for your time.
Eric V
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Frequent Contributor
Hy Eric,
I just downloaded the latest sources of the bitbucket page:

I also downloaded the FlexViewer 2.5:

I copied from the pchprintwidget the complete "src" directory to the flexviewer src directory (asked to override the config.xml)
I added the "src\lu\etat\pch\gis\widgets\pchPrintWidget\PchPrintWidget.mxml" as module in the FlashBuilder project.

It compiled successfully and worked out-of-the box.

How did you downloaded the latest source?

Which small tweaks did you added to your version? May be I could integrate them directly in the codebase?

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Frequent Contributor
Thanks for the quick reply Tom,l

I just downloaded the code you posted, added the PchPrintWidget.mxml to the project and it came up with 10 errors.  I am using the 4.1 SDK with FB 4

One thing I noticed is that the lu_assets folder is not in the download you referenced in your post to me...but that shouldn't matter for my issues, I believe.

The errors are referencing the PopUp_Template.mxml (Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: AgsJsonElement)
the (Access of undefined property - AgsJsonRGBColor, AgsJsonSimpleFillSymbol,AgsJsonSimpleLineSymbol, etc

Thanks Tom
Eric V

Hy Eric,
I just downloaded the latest sources of the bitbucket page:

I also downloaded the FlexViewer 2.5:

I copied from the pchprintwidget the complete "src" directory to the flexviewer src directory (asked to override the config.xml)
I added the "src\lu\etat\pch\gis\widgets\pchPrintWidget\PchPrintWidget.mxml" as module in the FlashBuilder project.

It compiled successfully and worked out-of-the box.

How did you downloaded the latest source?

Which small tweaks did you added to your version? May be I could integrate them directly in the codebase?

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Frequent Contributor
could you mail me your project?
I will check it. Seems to be something wrong.

I'm currently on Flex SDK 4.5.1

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Frequent Contributor
OK Tom,
Not sure if you got my email...but - I created a brand new project from scratch - did exactly as you stated in the previous post....and I get the same errors....
The errors are on lines 15&21 of the PopUp_Template.mxml file (Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: AgsJsonElement)
and on lines 12,13,61,63,96,100,120,122 of the file - all those lines reference some symbol

I do see that the json folder (in the was missing from the "latest" download also)
I will add this folder and test

I am using the 4.1 SDK - I may also attempt the 4.5.1 version.

could you mail me your project?
I will check it. Seems to be something wrong.

I'm currently on Flex SDK 4.5.1

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Frequent Contributor
I have tried numerous options.

FB 4 with 4.1 SDK - 2.5 Viewer loaded from scratch
FB 4.6 with 4.1 SDK - 2.5 Viewer loaded from scratch
FB 4.6 with 4.5.1 SDK - 2.5 Viewer loaded from scratch

with and without the json folder

I have attached a screen shot of the errors.
Thanks for your time.
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Frequent Contributor
your project seems to miss some needed files.

You can get the complete sources under:
   upper right corner "get source" -> zip file

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor
Thanks for your patience Tom,
When I tried clicking on the "Get Source" button, I only received the compiled code files (.swf & xml), so I retrieved the files under the src listing on bitbucket that you posted and now I only receive 1 error - referencing the "title" tag in the PchPrintWidget.mxml document.

The error says "The entity "mdash" was referenced, but not declared"  (line 7)

If I comment this line out or replace this title tag with something else, I get another error referencing line 234 = "The reference to entity "s" must end with the ';' delimiter.

I apologize as I am not a developer, but only a hack.
Thanks for your time
Eric V

your project seems to miss some needed files.

You can get the complete sources under:
   upper right corner "get source" -> zip file

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Frequent Contributor
when clicking on the "get source" button,
you should get this link:

This download should contain the binaries and the source files.
I also attached it to this post, so you can check if it solves your problem.

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Frequent Contributor
Thanks Tom,
That link contains ALL the files...The project is good now.
Thanks for your help.
Eric V

when clicking on the "get source" button,
you should get this link:

This download should contain the binaries and the source files.
I also attached it to this post, so you can check if it solves your problem.

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