The backend is developed in Java as a ServerObjectExtension: PChPrintSOE
The communication to the SOE is realized by the REST. So, any client can be used Flex, Javascript, ... I just created a simple FlexWidget.
Some features: - full print over the rest api (usable by any client) - export to pdf,jpeg,png,emf and mxd! - view paper layout extent live on map - make print on a "template" mapservice by keeping the predefined layout - multi-mapservices/multi-server support - add graphics on the map view positioned in map units - add elements on the layout view positioned in paper units like scalebar, scaletext
The code is under full development: - support for wms layer - code clean up and reorganization
Any suggestions, remarques or help is welcome.
Live demo with public Esri mapservices (last print button): - use this print widget with your PChPrintSOE-enabled mapservices for high quality - draw first some graphics with the DrawWidget prior making your print (in mxd format)
No, if you check the arcgisouput directory, there will be an mxd created in combination with your pdf/jpeg,...
The mxd is for analyzing any problems concerning the export. The content of that mxd will be exported. You could open the mxd, may be you find out why 1 mapservice isn't displayed.
Otherwise, post this auto-generated mxd and a printscreen of ArcMAP having the sam mxd opened)
Could you restart your ArcGIS-Server services (not the mapservices).
Is your "ortho2009" printSOE enabled? You just have to make the "layout" mapservice PrintSOE enabled. If it's enabled on the "ortho2009" mapservice, disable it.
Could you restart your ArcGIS-Server services (not the mapservices).
Is your "ortho2009" printSOE enabled? You just have to make the "layout" mapservice PrintSOE enabled. If it's enabled on the "ortho2009" mapservice, disable it.
It's done restart "layout" with PrintSOE enabled, and disable it on "ortho2009" and the error message link to the "cadastre" mapservice now 😞
David, could you try to open the link which is indicated in your popup? My code is first trying to access a lyr-file for each printed layer to produce high-resolution/large-paper printouts. These lyr-files will have the direct datasource information to get best quality by working directly with the datasource. This could be enabled by making the mapsevice also "PrintSOE"-aware.
Otherwise, it will work with the mapservice itself.
In your case, there are problems "Error 500" for any downloads fro your arcgisoutput directly. You have first to solve this problem prior working with the SOE.
I depend of a informatique service thus the demand for the problem was send to them.... I wait for a response a give you the feedback as soon as possible.