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Where is the Documentation for HTML Poller with Global Data?

03-15-2024 12:44 PM
Occasional Contributor III

I am trying to build a new FEED that will Poll a target for data.  I would like to use the URL Parameters capability to add &date=2024-03-15  where the date should be the current date - one.  Can I do that?  Where is the documentation for this and other features like Global Parameters?






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6 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @JeffSilberberg. You can find the documentation for the HTTP Poller feed type at: For information on those two parameters you reference as well as data/time formatting options see the Parameters table included in that topic. 

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Occasional Contributor III



    Thank you for the quick reply. 

    I read that a dozen times before I posted --  Under Parameters - URL parameters - It really does not tell me what global variables might be available as a value in the key-value pair.   I need $yesterday or $today-1 to complete the URL parameter &date=yyyy-MM-dd (edited).   Additionally, noting tells me how to determine which value of the key value pair Global variables (An optional parameter that can be used to convert the feed global variables to a custom date time format.) is applied to. 

Finally, while $accessToken is referred to a number of times on this page there is no explanation as to whether it's an oAuth or API access Token.  Or how to utilize it.  





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Esri Contributor

@JeffSilberberg Please see under usage notes for additional details about what parameters are available, and what parameters they can be applied to:

"The POST bodyURL parameters, and Custom headers parameters can use feed global variables. By default, the feed global variables are converted into epoch time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC). Optionally, you can convert the feed global variables to epoch seconds (seconds since January 1, 1970) and a desired string date time format. The following outlines the feed analytic variables and the time they represent.

  • $feed.FeedStartTime—The time the feed was started
  • $feed.FeedScheduledStartTime—The time the next recurrence of the feed is scheduled
  • $feed.FeedLastScheduledStartTime—The time the last recurrence of the feed was scheduled"

There is additional documentation on this page linked from Global Variables:

"For more information on setting a date format (epoch milliseconds, epoch seconds, and string format), see Date and time parameters."

I hooked up a quick example with screenshots below of what this configuration would look like to reference the FeedLastScheduledStartTime global variable:





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Occasional Contributor III


@PeterNasuti  -- The url for these links, do not resolve --  did I miss something? 





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Esri Contributor

Thanks @JeffSilberberg I updated the links

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Occasional Contributor III


Okay I set the Global variable an got a default 1970-01-01 data instead of yesterday -- 


So the Poll failed again today. 





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