We created a utility network from an asset package. Now we have a new asset package that we would like to load. I wanted to know what the steps are to apply this new asset package. There is this link where it is mentioned that we would have to drop the geodatabase and recreate a new gdb.
The steps listed in the link suggest the following:
Is this best workflow?
Dropping and recreating the database is probably the quickest way but may not be feasible all the time, especially if DBAs are involved. I normally drop the UN topology, then drop UN dataset and related tables. And delete all domains (all through few lines of python code) and then stage and re-apply asset package as per your steps 4 and 5 above.
Sometimes I leave the UN feature dataset, in order to keep the service territory. Deleting all of the domains is key however, otherwise they get duplicated with each re-apply of the asset package.
We do this regularly during the UN development process for our clients. We have scripted the exact workflow you described into a Jupyter notebook. So the label of 'best' is subjective to your environment and needs, but it certainly works for us.