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Utility Network Field Maps

08-30-2022 06:33 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello! According to this blog post and also this blog post "After you prepare, publish and share a utility network using ArcGIS Pro, you can open and use it in ...", however.... This is what I get [Layer type is not supported] in Field Maps online app if I create a Web Map in Map Viewer (Enterprise Portal 10.9.1.) with a Map Image Layer that also contains UN service. I could not add the corresponding Feature Layer to a Web Map, because I get the Error of "Layer cannot be added to the map. Support for adding this layer type is not yet available."

So I am very much confused at this stage. Please send help! 



5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Anete,

The Map Viewer in Portal doesn't yet work with utility network layers or subtype group layers.  This is why you have to use ArcGIS Pro to create and publish your webmap.  After it's been published to the Portal you can open and use it with Field Maps.

I hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

Unfortunately that does not work like that. 

I can open my published Web Map on my Device, however it has no Utility Network layer in it. 

Field Maps web app gives an error that basically says what is happening on my device - yes, you can have the map, but you are not gonna see Dirty areas. 


0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Have you made sure that all layers of the UNM are included and published together? 

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

Yap, I made sure I receive no warnings when publishing. I can see my dirty areas in a Map Image layer. So it works in that way!

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Anete,

When you publish a web map with a utility network layer in it, the utility network information is stored in the web map, but it does not show up as a separate layer.

It's possible to view dirty areas, but it takes a little bit of extra work.  You have to add the dirty area layer as a separate layer to your web map.  Here's how to do this in ArcGIS Pro:

1. Right-click on the utility network layer in your Pro map, and bring up layer properties. Go to the source tab:


Copy the Location information, as well as the dataset id (23 in the example above).

2. Exit out of that dialog and go to the Add Data tool and choose Data From Path



3. Fill in the path with the web service that you found in step 1.  Add a "/" to the end, and the layer id of the dirty area layer- this should be 1 more than the Dataset ID of the utility network itself. My example above had 23, so in this case the number would be 24:


4. In the table of contents, you'll see both the utility network layer, plus the Dirty Area layer you just added:


5. If you publish this from ArcGIS Pro, you should be able to see the dirty areas in Field Maps.


This isn't an acceptable user interface for what should be a common workflow. We are discussing better options to make this automatic when publishing from ArcGIS Pro, and make it an option in the Enterprise Map Viewer.

Hopefully this will get you working in the meantime.  Let me know if you encounter any more issues.
