Thank you for taking the time to write a long and in-depth reply Randall. I really appreciate it 🙂
I had a look on the data loading tools and the spreadsheet is rather nifty. I might be wrong about this, I often am, but the data loading tool will allow for "one to one" translation right? The data I am going to import will however have both the information about what kind of asset group and what kind of asset type the point will represent. This is just how the database is set up for the current scheme being used by the drainage discipline. So far I have been using FME to assign asset group, and asset type code values, based on one field in the source data.
Example: Source data have information about what type of drainage "point" is.
* KO is an X type of manhole, with Y type cover, sand trap filtration of Z cm, dimension of 1000 mm circular concrete well.
In the same field it might say "I" which is an inlet point (from a dich or the like). Now I'm not sure if I should add that point to the construction table as well, or if that should reside in one of the Stormwater tables.
I'm thinking that I have to not only import data from the source data into the structure network, but also import a lot of that same data to the Stormwater Device tables as well, and hopefully if I set things up correctly, the pipe connections, inlets, outlets etc. will be contained within the structure containers.
I'm fearing that the structure network will be severely under pressure, when I have add all the other disciplines as well. But I guess it will be possible to add "views?" where I can sort on different asset groups, and or types, so the true heroes, the maintenance staff, can benefit from having the best possible information available on what ever mobile solutions we decide to go for.
Would there be any major issues in adding more fields to the structure network, like diameter, last cleanout date, cover diameter, cover material etc?
And I'm a bit confused about what tool that will put the Stormwater Device "Inlet", which is an assembly I thing, inside the Structure Junction "Manhole" that is a container. My initial thought is to import the same point features that displays the manholes into the inlet asset type along with pipe connection and then end up with having one entry from the source data, being loaded into several tables in the model.
We have an enterprise server, and hopefully I'll be able to stage an UNM on the test environment on that very soon.
I'm keen to hear about user experiences, and practices that has is using the solution.
I can't change the structure of my source data, so I have to create something that will function in the UNM based on the source data, which means my translation has to be spot on. And that is where I'm starting to shake a bit, but I'm sure it's doable 🙂