This is my system configuration:
- Electric Utility Network version 4
- ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1
- ArcGIS Pro 2.9.1
We're looking for recommendations on best practices when updating data for an asset that was replaced in the field. For example, if a pole/transformer/switch is replaced in the field, at the same location, what is the best way to update that record in the UN to maximize the benefits of the historical moment feature of the UN and for asset lifecycle analysis and reporting using the UN data.
In the asset package provided by Esri all the UN feature classes have a field for "Date Retired" and "Lifecycle Status". We wonder if we have to update these fields and save the edit to record the end of the life of the old asset in the database; then update the those fields, the "Date Installed" and "In Service Date" to reflect the starting point of the new asset; and finally, save the edits again.