I am currently working on the Utility Network and I have the following question: I want to connect an address point to a network distribution point using a cable. This address point has a certain number of housing units. When connecting the address to the network distribution point, the number of housing units from the address point should be passed to the network distribution point. Additionally, it should automatically determine the appropriate cable size (number of fibers) based on the number of housing units. For example: 1-2 housing units = 6F cable, 3-4 housing units = 12F cable.
Furthermore, the network distribution point responsible for supplying this address with a cable should be automatically associated with the address. Moreover, the network distribution point should be able to identify how many addresses and housing units it serves. In summary, I am looking for a way to use the cable as both a geometric and logical connectivity to connect addresses and network distribution points.
Kind regards
As long as the cable is spatially coincident with both the network distribution point and the address point you should be able to achieve this by creating an attribute rule that runs when a new drop cable is created. It can then perform a spatial query to find the network distribution point and the address point information and perform the logic you have outlined above (calculate the cable type, update the customer count on the distribution point, and associate the address point with the distribution point). You can learn more about attribute rules on this page in the online help. You can also try out two free tutorials that show you several examples of how to use attribute rules (one and two).