I'm looking a way to "select" the feature that is involved in topology error (a not the dirty area). The features involved are indicated by Global id within "feature GUID" field of Error Ispector table and dirty areas table. In both table, selecting a record in the map are selected the dirty area object. Instead of select the dirty area box I would like select the feature involved (it's more userful if I have to update the feature). Also the the detail table of Error Inspector haven't a select feature tool. So we have three table with information but I havent a command to select a feature involved into topology error.
How i can do it?
I tried to relate dirty area table to Device/Line table by one-one relationship etc.... The related tool work fine but when I open the relate table (after a selection of a dirty areas record) nothing is selected into related table (device/line etc..). Maybe this anomaly is a bug or appen becouse the dirty area table "UN_5_DirtyAreas" is a utility network system table hidden within file geodatabase. Only join from Device/Line tables to Dirty Areas table work fine. Let'me know if there are other workeround.
I know can I create a pysical table of UN_5_DirtyAreas but I would like use native table so when I update feature and topology error I have an updated DirtyArea table.
I'm using Pro 3.1 on file geodatabase with UN v6.
I would suggest logging an enhancement to provide a context menu or button that would select the source feature/row.
ok Mike it could be userful for all users.
thank you