Hi all,
I am trying to determine the best way to set up a combined sewer + stormwater network, as they are not designed separately in my area. Could you help be with some conceptual aspects, please?
Thanks in advance for your input.
1: I am not sure the best way. Two Domain Networks vs a Different Tier Group/Tier. It is an area we are evaluating for a future model, to create a complete combined model. Our current thought is that it will be a sewer model with the stormwater features in the same domain network, not two domain networks. We have not worked though this yet though.
2: You can change the asset package to do this.
3: As a standalone UN, partitioned made sense for a stormwater network. I honestly do not remember the exact reasoning, as it was a few years ago. You can model most things from a partitioned in an hierarchical, so stormwater could be easily converted to a hierarchical(steps above).
Thank you very much, Mike!
I will test the steps for the 2 asset packages asap 🙂