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asset type and asset group severity error

11-03-2022 02:41 AM
Regular Contributor


I have some problems with assettype and assetgroup names. I used "/" character in my assetgroup and assetype name. For example:

- Valve/valvola [assetgroup]

- open/aperta [assettype]

but when I use the following tool "set subnetwork definition"  I have the following error:

- ERROR 001958: No valid asset group was found. [Valve/valvola / open/aperta]

so I presume that "/" is a special character not allowed.

I tried to use the following steps in order to remove the "/" from my utility network:

1) "export asset package" and no errors occur.

2) "add rename table" but the following error occour:


Create Asset Package Rename Table

Asset Package C:\ArcGIS\Hydrogis_v1\exportAssetPackage\AlperiaGreenpower.gdb
Rename Fields
Output Package

Start Time: giovedì 3 novembre 2022 10:15:33
ArcGIS Pro
untools 2.9.3
Executing from ArcGIS Pro, 2 map(s), activeMap = True
Parallel processing enabled: 12
The asset package has the following errors (56/56):
Item Field OID Value Message Level
0 B_Rules from_terminal 7.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
1 B_Rules from_terminal 8.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
2 B_Rules from_terminal 9.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
3 B_Rules from_terminal 10.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
4 B_Rules from_terminal 11.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
5 B_Rules from_terminal 12.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
6 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Absperrorgan / valvola "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
7 None None None HydroelectricDevice_valvola_AssetType (1:absperrorgan / organo intercettazione) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
8 None None None HydroelectricDevice_valvola_AssetType (2:ohne wiederkehrl / di non ritorno) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
9 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Wasserschloss / pozzo "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
10 None None None HydroelectricDevice_pozzo_AssetType (1:piezometrisch / piezometrico) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
11 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Becken / bacino "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
12 None None None HydroelectricDevice_bacino_AssetType (1:Becken / bacino) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
13 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Siphon / sifone "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
14 None None None HydroelectricDevice_sifone_AssetType (1:oberirdisch / fuori terra) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
15 None None None HydroelectricDevice_sifone_AssetType (2:underirdisch / interrato) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
16 None None None HydroelectricDevice_sifone_AssetType (3:zum Ableitungsstollen / per galleria di derivazione) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
17 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Wasserfassung / presa sussidiaria "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
18 None None None HydroelectricDevice_presasussidiaria_AssetType (1:wasserfassung / presa sussidiaria) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
19 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Messpunkt / punto di misura "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
20 None None None HydroelectricDevice_puntodimisura_AssetType (1:Messpunkt / punto di misura) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
21 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Zugangsfenster / finestra di accesso "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
22 None None None HydroelectricDevice_finestradaccesso_AssetType (1:Zugangsfenster / finestra di accesso) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
23 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Wasserkraftwerk / centrale "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
24 None None None HydroelectricDevice_centrale_AssetType (1:Wasserkraftwerk / centrale) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
25 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Panzertür / porta stagna "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
26 None None None HydroelectricDevice_portastagna_AssetType (1:Panzertür / porta stagna) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
27 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Mannloch / passouomo "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
28 None None None HydroelectricDevice_passouomo_AssetType (1:Mannloch / passouomo) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
29 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Inspektionsschacht / pozzetto "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
30 None None None HydroelectricDevice_pozzetto_AssetType (1:Inspektion / di ispezione) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
31 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Pumpe / pompa "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
32 None None None HydroelectricDevice_pompa_AssetType (1:oberirdisch / fuori terra) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
33 None None None HydroelectricDevice_pompa_AssetType (2:underirdisch / interrato) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
34 None None None HydroelectricDevice_pompa_AssetType (3:zum Ableitungsstollen / per galleria di scolo) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
35 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Turbine / turbina "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
36 None None None HydroelectricDevice_turbina_AssetType (1:Turbine / turbina) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
37 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Ablass / scarico "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
38 None None None HydroelectricDevice_scarico_AssetType (1:Ablass / scarico) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
39 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Überlauf / sfioro "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
40 None None None HydroelectricDevice_sfioro_AssetType (1:Überlauf / sfioro) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
41 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Entlüfter / sfiato "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
42 None None None HydroelectricDevice_sfiato_AssetType (1:Entlüfter / sfiato) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
43 None None None HydroelectricDevice/DMV / DMV "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
44 None None None HydroelectricDevice_DMV_AssetType (1:DMV / DMV) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
45 None None None HydroelectricDevice/Stausee / diga "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
46 None None None HydroelectricDevice_diga_AssetType (1:Stausee / diga) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
47 None None None HydroelectricLine/Rohrleitung / condotta "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
48 None None None HydroelectricLine_condotta_AssetType (1:oberirdisch / fuori terra) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
49 None None None HydroelectricLine_condotta_AssetType (2:underirdisch / interrata) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
50 None None None HydroelectricLine/Tunnel / tunnel "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
51 None None None HydroelectricLine_tunnel_AssetType (1:Drucksstollen / galleria in pressione) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
52 None None None HydroelectricLine_tunnel_AssetType (2:Zugangsstollen / galleria di accesso) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
53 None None None HydroelectricLine/Kanal / canale "/" should not be used in AssetGroup names warning
54 None None None HydroelectricLine_canale_AssetType (1:Freispiegelleitung / canale gronda) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
55 None None None HydroelectricLine_canale_AssetType (2:Ablasstollen / canale di scarico) "/" should not be used in AssetType names warning
Failed to execute (CreateRenameTable).
Failed at giovedì 3 novembre 2022 10:15:35 (Elapsed Time: 2,89 seconds)


I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5 with utility network v5 on file geodatabase. how I can continue my work? I spent severals weeks to configure my utility network without having errors before that ("/" character).

0 Kudos
2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

My first thought would be to Select By Attributes and then use Calculate Field to rename the asset types and groups. If you need to show both languages in the same field, an underscore should work.

In bocca al lupo!

0 Kudos
Esri Frequent Contributor

You only need to fix the errors, but I would suggest resolving the warnings.

It looks like you added a rule and then assigned a terminal to this AG/AT.  So the rule is invalid.  You can set the terminal to * to make fixing it easy.  This will be enough to allow you to apply the asset package.

0 B_Rules from_terminal 7.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
1 B_Rules from_terminal 8.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
2 B_Rules from_terminal 9.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
3 B_Rules from_terminal 10.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
4 B_Rules from_terminal 11.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error
5 B_Rules from_terminal 12.0 Hydroelectric/Device/Absperrorgan / valvola/absperrorgan / organo intercettazione/None Terminal name is required for this asset group / asset type error

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