When an asset's lifecyclestatus value is set to abandoned, removed, etc., that asset should no longer be included (or at least ignored) in the network tracing, error inspection, etc. Loading our abandoned asset history into the UN resulted in 1000s of new topology errors. It's not cost effective to spend staff time cleaning abandoned data to honor the rules, nor does it make sense to change network rules for abandoned data. However, this data has great importance for asset management. Example- Long ago, before we digitized laterals, our Hydrants were on the Main. Even back then, we maintained abandoned features. So now we have Hydrants connecting 2 Mains in our abandoned data. Clearly we don’t allow this anymore and do not want to add a rule to allow this. We also don't want to start adding laterals and valves to abandoned data just to comply with the rule. Storing our pre-UN abandoned assets in a separate GDB then means we need to make sure any functions using abandoned assets parse both this separate GDB and the abandoned data in the UN. Plus this defeats the purpose of using the lifecyclestatus field. I suggest that the non-active network features, based on lifecyclestatus, be ignored in all network functionality.