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Workforce open assignment for editing in survey 123

09-16-2022 07:07 PM
Regular Contributor

Hello, we're trying to use workforce for the first time to help manage a large meter reading project. We have been using a survey with the inbox enabled to allow users to select and edit (read) meters. We would like to either: have the list of assignments from the dispatcher populated in the S123 inbox when the S123 link is activated in the mobile app, or (even better) change the link to open the currently selected assignment for editing in S123. Can the survey 123 link in workforce be edited with a URL or something? Help?

1 Reply
Regular Contributor

Or how about just to open the survey for editing? Is this possible? I can't access the globalId for the survey because the selected feature is in the assignment layer, not the layer we will be editing in the survey. How to get the globalId for the URL? I have the assignment GID and location (that has the ObjectID for the survey) assigned to text fields in the data layer, although not sure if I need to. Can someone give me guidance on how to set this up? See attached shot, this is the default template which just goes to the coords of the assignment but it tries to download a mobile app when I test it in the browser. Any help would sure be appreciated. cob

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