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When creating a new survey from an existing survey or feature service, the list is truncated.

11-13-2024 01:54 PM
Regular Contributor

My organization is fairly large and there are many surveys and feature layers for our many programs.  When I try to create a new survey from an existing survey or an existing feature layer, the list of available items is never complete.  Only items in the first part of the alphabet are shown.  I sometimes have to name my items with a 0 or 1 at the beginning so that they will show up.  If I don't own the item, and it's too far down the list, I can't use them. 

New survey window in Connect version 3.20.63  The list of surveys stops here.New survey window in Connect version 3.20.63 The list of surveys stops here.

Any suggestions?  I vote for putting in a filter or expanding the number of items Connect can display.

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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Get the itemid of the layer from ArcGIS online and search for that in connect?

MVP Frequent Contributor

Does it search by itemId? I didn't think that it did, but great if it does.

Beyond itemId, you could just provide more of the name to shorten the list.

And beyond even that, this sounds like a good topic for the Ideas thread.

Regular Contributor

Thanks.  Good idea.  I tried the complete exact name but no results showed up.  Connect is still just looking at the first part of the alphabet.  I'll try the ideas thread.

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Regular Contributor

Thank you.  Good thought.  I tried various versions o fthe item id it to no avail.

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