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Using choice_filter with a select_multiple question.

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07-17-2017 12:00 PM
Deactivated User

In my survey I have a list of structure types: Single Family, Multi Family, Other Habitable, Non Habitable, Coastal Protection, & Shore Protection. I also have a list damage types. Most damage types only apply to certain structure types. Using the choice_filter, I have been able to make it so only certain damage types appear as choices for my structure types, however this is with a select_one question type. Is it possible to have all of the damage types appear if they select more than one structure type in a select_multiple question type? 

31 Replies
Regular Contributor

I'll be hoping to see this feature in an upcoming release.

Frequent Contributor

Any updates on this feature enhancement?

Anneka France
Technical Manager at The Rivers Trust
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by Anonymous User
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Hi Anneka,

No, this feature enhancement is still in our backlog. If this is an important enhancement for your project, I suggest you raise a support ticket with Esri Support and link it to your account, including your use case and survey/projects details, and have the request linked to the existing enhancement issue: ENH-000103222.

This will help prioritise outstanding and competing bugs and enhancements that require development efforts.



Frequent Contributor

Any update on using a choice_filter with a select_multiple field?

I'm hoping to have users answer a select_one yes_no and if the answer is yes, than they can select_multiple options from a filtered choice list. If the answer is no, than the select_multiple question is not relevant.

For now I'm just using 15 unique choice lists instead of one large filtered one.



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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Ryan,

At this time, there is no update on that functionality.  Interestingly, I cannot find an ArcGIS Idea for this - would you be willing to create one to help track interest?

Occasional Contributor

Was an ArcGIS Idea created for this yet? I am in dire need of the same capabilities!

Working with structural, safety compliance inspections which requires several choice-based, filtered options. For example, there are five different stair types that have different tread, riser, and clearance requirements. 

Hoping this is released soon!

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by Anonymous User
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Hi Meghan,

Support for using choice filters with select multiples will be added in the 3.11 release. You can already test it out in the 3.11 beta builds available on the Early Adopter Community.



Occasional Contributor

Thanks, Philip! I am exited to be able to use these capabilities in my surveys!

Regular Contributor

Hey Phil,

Has this functionality made it into production?  I'm on Ver 3.12.232

If this functionality does exist in 3.12, I'm not sure how to make it work.  I have my choice_filter setup but when I select multiple options, I get no choices available for the question that has the choice_filter on it.

In my survey, the user has to select which units will be part of a project and then from those units selected, select the staff that will be part of the project.

Thanks for assistance you may have to offer Phil.




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by Anonymous User
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Hi @DanBihari,

Yes, choice filters and cascading selects are now supported with select multiple questions, from version 3.11 onwards.

Can you provide a copy of your xslx file with the choice lists and confirguations of choice filters so we can can take a closer look.





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