I am pulling in responses from one survey and would like users to select one of those responses while also populating another question (to be read only) from the first selection. In my scenario, the Objective is a repeat. The GlobalID of the event name and ParentGlobalID of objectives are the same. I am trying to do this in the choice_filter column. My issue is when using the select in choice_filter column, the 2nd question disappears.
Form with no relevant function:
Form with choice_filter function (objectives are removed). I am trying to display only the associated objectives once an event is selected:
Survey Form:
Choices table:
This is what I am trying to accomplish:
Hello @dwold,
With the search() appearance you don't need the choice_filter column. You'll need the event names as a field in your objectives layer then user the search parameters to filter the choices based on the objective.
Your syntax would look something like search('objectives?url=...featureServer/1', 'matches', 'event_name', ${aar_admin_event})
See the search() documentation for more information on the different parameters for the search() appearance.
@ZacharySutherby thanks for the tip! I created the event name field in my objective repeat and it displays it in the form but when I hit submit that field is empty.
Xls Form:
Online form:
Objectives table:
Any idea why that is happening?