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Unable to "Send" Surveys from Survey 123 iOS application

11 hours ago
New Contributor

I have recently completed two surveys, using a provided form from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. When I have attempted to submit / send the surveys, they have failed repeatedly.

  • Initially when I attempted to send the surveys, the submission would freeze in the middle of uploading the included attachments.
  • After waiting a couple days, I have attempted to send the surveys again, and this time the attachments finished uploading, however, when the first survey submission hit the “Send Data” stage, it forcibly quit/closed the Survey 123 application. When I attempt to send either survey now, it states that it is attempting to send data for the survey which crashed the application, then it crashes the application again a few moments later.
  • I have had a solid, uninterrupted WiFi connection and have tried under other networks when attempting to send the surveys, with the same result.


During data collection for the surveys, it was necessary to use a coworkers mobile device to collect data for a third survey, but this was logged using Guest Access to the Survey123 application. They were able to successfully send the report, however no notification or receipt was sent to the emails listed as the Applicant or the Preparer (I have also reviewed our email filters/junk folders etc).


  • The survey which crashed the application has a large number of attached photos, (334), however I have not read that this has been an issue for others, but could this be an issue?
  • If I attempted to uninstall and reinstall the application, it would delete my survey data, and I would have to recomplete the survey, correct?
  • When submitting a survey through the mobile application, do the applicant or preparer receive an email confirmation, or receipt of any sort? Is this decided when the survey form is developed?

Attached are three example screenshots of the errors I received while first trying to submit the surveys. The third screenshot which does not state an error occurred, was frozen with the image shown.

Thank you for your assistance and time on this matter (And thank you to all the contributors on the forum, everyone is an immense help here).




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