I want to use either Replicas or Versions on my data collected by Survey123 to prevent any updates on my Main Database and to put a quality control layer first and check coming data before entering Main DB.
I am using Suvey123 connect and field app 3.6.143.
Data is on SQL Server DB.
I use an existing published service fields and build the survey using those fields in the excel sheet to build the survey.
I recognized that [ ApplyeditswithGlobalID ] must be true and to do this data cannot be Versioned.
My Question is there any way to make a middle layer so no data enter the Main DB direct from the field app.
Ismael Chivite James Tedrick
Any help is greatly appreciated.Thanks.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Mohammed,
It is definitely possible to create another feature class to serve as the 'incoming' pool and then copy data to your main database as part of the QA process. As you note, the 'incoming' layer would need to have globalIDs and not be versioned.
Hi Mohammed,
It is definitely possible to create another feature class to serve as the 'incoming' pool and then copy data to your main database as part of the QA process. As you note, the 'incoming' layer would need to have globalIDs and not be versioned.
Hi James,
So it is not possible to work on existing service with Survey123 in [ Replicas / Versions ] and I need to configure other solution like the one you mentioned.
As you note in the documentation, Survey123 cannot support a versioned feature layer.
@JamesTedrick cross-pointing and asking again if this is till the case in 2023?
@JamesTedrick @IsmaelChivite Does this work in Nov 2024? If no, is it on the road map? Is there a technical reason it can't support versioned data? Reason it would be best for Survey123 to point to a versioned dataset is to leverage the QA capability of the Differences Panel in Pro to review data before posting. Interestingly Feature Comparison GP tool doesn't do what you'd think. I won't get in to that but suffice to say it doesn't work for QA, as I found out. SDE Versioning also doesn't compare to child to child unfortunately, nor support archiving or accept/reject/modify one by one or in batch. Nevertheless, with one Child version for field data collection, the minimal Differences Panel is still useful to see what data is coming in. However, unfortunately it appears Survey123 can't work with a versioned dataset. I guess we can set up a copy of the layer to point to that is not versioned, but now I lose the Differences review functionality of a version.
This is a curve ball. I would love to join Esri as a product manager one day perhaps. These are the little things that are big out in userland. More than Digital Twin, 3D, AR/VR, GeoAI etc. And data collection ties in to the main profit centers (ArcGIS Enterprise licenses and Named Users).