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Survey123 Website Data Tab Not Loading Record View Side Panel

3 weeks ago
MVP Regular Contributor

I find myself running into this issue on a fairly frequent basis, and other users have been reporting it more and more.

When viewing the data tab for a survey, when you click a record it pops up this panel on the right hand side to display the record, however I am finding frequently this panel will not load, I have seen no loading at all or loading some questions but spinning endlessly and never finishing loading. It happens on some surveys but not all and not every time on the same survey, even ones that are essentially copies of each other, the more records the more likely this happens it seems.

Are there issues with the way I have my surveys set up that cause this, or is it just a general lack of reliability from this web page?

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Are these surveys published with Survey123 Connect?

The panel uses the web form, so it might not support the functionality you have used in the survey design?

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MVP Regular Contributor

I've found more recently that I have to toggle the switch a few times to get it to show. Kind of the reverse of its old behaviour where I had to toggle the switch a few times to hide it.

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