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Survey123 webform - when editing existing data character limit is ignored

09-22-2023 11:57 AM
Emerging Contributor

I published Survey123 webform, which includes text answers with character limit set to 1,000.  When adding new survey, the text box shows max character limit at the bottom and it shows remaining character count as user inputs texts. However, if we use the same form to edit existing data this functionality goes way.  It not only hides the remaining character, it allows user to enter texts beyond the limit and causes submission error.  Is there a way to enforce text limit when editing existing data in a web form through masking or something?  




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Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @kim_hspartner

This is a bug in the web app, please feel free to reach out to Esri Technical Support to log a bug. 

As a workaround in the constraint column of the XLSForm you can enter string-length(.)<=1000. 

Thank you,
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