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survey123 url field app not populating values from Field Maps on mobile (iOS or Android)

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02-02-2023 12:45 PM
New Contributor III

Hi All,

I have set my ArcGIS Field Map form so that the Pop-up uses custom URL calls to Launch the field app for Survey123 with pre-populated answers. Somehow, only the hard-coded values are actually coming through and none of the variable values. Strangely, these are working perfectly on PC with the Survey123 app launching from the webmap viewer. Is there something with the url set up that I am missing? or is this maybe a data issue?

Here is an example of the URL code I am using:



I am using a hyperlink with a text object in the pop ups to do this. I have tried encoding the url with no success (using an online encoder, not the arcade function), and have tried to use arcade functions and the UrlEncoder, but have always received an error. The error given is "invalid variable assignment" for the UrlEncode parameters.

Are there other ways to build the custom url for field maps that will launch the survey123 field app on mobile?


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11 Replies
New Contributor III

Well, I figured out a solution, although I don't actually understand why it works. Once I set all of the survey questions being populated from Field Maps to 'Read Only' the values started appearing.

I am thinking this is just a strange visual bug since the values were always there, just not visible.

Thank you @Katie_Clark and @DougBrowning for all of the help!


MVP Regular Contributor

Interesting! Well, glad you got it figured out, and thanks for posting your solution here!


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