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Survey123 Send Error - Unkown Error

11-02-2023 10:48 AM
New Contributor

When attempting to send data, the team encountered the following message (see Team2_unknownError.png):
The survey could not be sent due to the following error:
Unknown error

Note that the survey form (excel sheet) was not updated before the teams collected data, so they field app and online db it is connecting to should be compatible. 

We have tried the following troubleshooting steps, which still results in "Unknown error":

1) sign out and sign back in, re-send
2) restart tablets, re-send
3) download latest version of S123 field app, re-send
4) delete old photos from device (thinking it was possibly a low memory issue) 

I have attached the associated log file (see attached 20231102-063616.log). Note that starting on Line 22, there is a repeated message almost 124 times:
<12>1 2023-11-02T16:36:19Z localhost ArcGISSurvey123 29556 - [AppStudio@11205 category="default"] QEGLPlatformContext: eglSwapBuffers failed: 300d

I am unsure what eglSwapBuffers means, but clearly something is up... thanks!
3 Replies
New Contributor

also for some reason I cannot upload the photo or the log file.... 

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MVP Frequent Contributor

There doesn't seem to be a lot to go on here. Are you able to upload your Excel file? If uploads aren't working here, you may wish to contact Esri Support.

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Regular Contributor


I was getting the same Send Error.

After trying to change settings in several areas, this is what worked! 

Change the settings for the hosted feature layer to be this and it will work. Hope this helps.  

PS I'm working with a hosted feature layer with a related table so my settings may need to be this way for that reason. 




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