I'm trying to use the arcgis API to write a script that calls the GenerateReport REST API. The first step is to authenticate, and I am stuck there.
I first get the token with:
curl --location -g --request POST 'https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/oauth2/token?
and that works, it returns:
But then I try to create a report with
curl --location -g --request POST 'https://survey123.arcgis.com/api/featureReport/createReport?
and the response in an HTML page that says that I have to login.
What am I missing?
Note that the "app" I created in order to get the MYAPPID and MYAPPSECRET were created at https://uscgeography.maps.arcgis.com/
Maybe someone will answer if they see that I also tried in postman:
the above works to get my token. But then I do:
and it still asking me to "Sign in to your ArcGIS Survey123 account"
I also tried login in with my useraneme+password, but the same thing happens. I can get the token, but the token does not work:
then I try to use the token:
I believe you need to add the submitJob portion to the URL: