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Survey123 Repeats and Geopoint

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08-14-2023 06:59 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have created a survey to capture details about resources available at a particular location. I have basic information (organization, contact, etc) outside of the repeat, then within the repeat I ask for the location (using geopoint) and specific characteristics about that location.

The items within the repeat are shown at the proper location on the resulting map, but the data outside of the repeat is showing at (0,0). Is there a way to not have the data outside of the repeat use the location collected on each of the repeats? The data outside of the repeat doesn't change, so I don't want users to have to re-enter it each time, but it should be located at the same spot as the data within the repeat. 


Kathy F

notegenerated_note_form_title<p style="text-align:start;">Maui Fires 2023 - Logistics Assets and Resources</p>
notegenerated_note_form_footer<a target='_blank' style='color:#000000;' href=''>Powered by ArcGIS Survey123</a>
notegenerated_note_prompt_submitted<p style="text-align:center;"><br></p><p style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Green check icon" src="data&colon;image/svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iNjQiIGhlaWdodD0iNjQiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI+PGcgZmlsbD0ibm9uZSIgZmlsbC1ydWxlPSJldmVub2RkIj48Y2lyY2xlIGZpbGw9IiMzMTg3MkUiIGN4PSIzMiIgY3k9IjMyIiByPSIzMiIvPjxwYXRoIGZpbGw9IiNGRkYiIGQ9Ik0yMi42NjEgMzAuMjQ2bDUuMTgyIDQuOTg3TDQxLjU1MiAyMiA0NSAyNS40NjEgMjcuNzQ3IDQyIDE5IDMzLjQ5OHoiLz48L2c+PC9zdmc+"></p><p style="text-align:center;"><br></p><p style="text-align:center;"><br></p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong style="font-size:16px;">Thank you.</strong></p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong style="font-size:16px;">Your response was submitted successfully.</strong></p><p style="text-align:center;"><br></p><p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:16px;">Contact <a href="" target="_blank">American Logistics Aid Network</a> for information.</p>
noteorganization_and_contact_informOrganization and Contact Information
textorg_nameWhat is the name of your organization?
textorg_urlWhat is your organization's website address?
textorg_pocWho is the point of contact for these resources?
textpoc_emailWhat is the contact's email address?
textpoc_phonePhone Number
begin repeatresourcesurveyAdd your locations and assets (click + to add more locations)
noteasset_resource_information_detaLogistics Resource Details
geopointresource_primary_locationWhat location are you reporting on?
select_multiple list_asset_resource_information_deta_asset_type1asset_type1What type of asset / resource are you offering?
select_one list_asset_resource_information_deta_donation_or_paid_offerdonation_or_paid_offerDonation or Paid Offer
textresource_descriptionDescription of the resource or capability
end repeat  
textadditional_informationAdditional Information
dateTimedate_and_time_submittedDate and Time Submitted

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1 Solution

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Yes my initial reaction was to just flip it outside down but I was not sure if each repeat location was different. If each repeat is for sure the same location then yes have the geopoint outside the repeat and just inherit it for each repeat record.  If they are not you can still do this just do not have the repeat inherit. 

In your web map you can turn off the parent main layer and just display the repeats.  Having 0,0 is never helpful really so no reason not to include it.  Esp in Esri land it is always easier to use a feature class vs a table.

Hope that helps

View solution in original post

7 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

You need a geopoint question outside the repeat.  If there is no geopoint question it gets the 0,0.  The main level of the form and the repeat are two different layers so they each need their own geopoint.  Not sure what you mean on defaulting to the locaton in the repeat since I assume each of those is a different location right?  If so which repeat location would you pick.  Not following that part.  

0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

Thanks - I'm trying to connect the main level information with the repeat level. So for each repeat, the main level data would use the location captured in the repeat level. I'm trying to avoid having people need to re-enter the main level data each time they add a location. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Ok that is what I thought you said.  But if you have say 10 repeats which of the 10 locations would you want the main level to be?  That is where I am confused.

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Emerging Contributor

Okay - I think I understand now - the main data and the repeat data is stored separately. I would have to choose either one of the repeat locations. Is there a way to NOT have the main data geotagged? I still need to see the main data, but I don't want to see that location on the map. 

Maybe flatten this, make the repeat for the whole thing, and make subsequent repeats equal to what was entered the first time?

I am very new to this so thank you for your help!

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Yes my initial reaction was to just flip it outside down but I was not sure if each repeat location was different. If each repeat is for sure the same location then yes have the geopoint outside the repeat and just inherit it for each repeat record.  If they are not you can still do this just do not have the repeat inherit. 

In your web map you can turn off the parent main layer and just display the repeats.  Having 0,0 is never helpful really so no reason not to include it.  Esp in Esri land it is always easier to use a feature class vs a table.

Hope that helps

Frequent Contributor

@DougBrowning Hey Doug, I am attempting to add a repeat to an existing Survey123 (Connect) based off a feature class within my SDE. My repeat is a simple idea, where it would take the existing GeoPoint outside of the repeat and add it to any repeat within the survey.

My error is adding the repeat to line to Survey123 Connect XLSForm creates an error when attempting to publish where the error "Table <begin repeat field name> not found" occurs.

begin groupregistrant_contactRegistrant Contact Info 
textfulladdressRegistrant's Address 
textfirstnameRegistrant's First Name 
textlastnameRegistrant's Last Name 
textemailRegistrant's Email 
textphoneContact Phone NumberDo not include dash, hyphen, or periods.
textcountryclubAre you located in a Complex or Country Club?Please enter below
end group   
begin groupregistrant_propertyRegistrant Property Info 
begin repeatproperty_countClick + to add more than one 
select_one registry_typeregtypeWhat are you registering?Choose below
select_one PD_Registry_BikebikegenderBicycle GenderChoose below
textyearYearPlease enter 4 digit year
textmakeMake of ${regtype} 
textmodelModel of ${regtype} 
textserialnumSerial Number / Owner Applied Number 
select_one YesNogpsDoes this vehicle has a GPS Tracker? 
end repeat   
end group   

For example, the user would choose an address, fill out this property registry form, and add a repeat for any secondary, tertiary property and the points would stack. Am I going in the right direction here?

The field 'property_count' is not in the Feature Class, but added to the XLSForm after creation of the Survey

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Not sure I am following but you would add a geopoint field inside the repeat.  I think you can then give that a calculation of the geopoint outside the repeat.  If that does not work you may need to add lat long fields and then calculate based on that.

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