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Survey123: Parsing “property('username')” calculation value to get clean user name

08-15-2018 04:12 AM
Honored Contributor

Our users log into ArcGIS Online (AGOL) and Esri’s mobile apps with enterprise credentials.  Our AGOL username is automatically created from our email address and a tag at the end.  Like this:




In Survey123, the AGOL username of the person who logs into the app and submits a completed form can be calculated using the "property('username')" formula.  I would like to have the AGOL username populated in my Survey123 form as input to a question, line like - “Inspected By”.


In Survey123 Connect, how do I parse the AGOL username calculated by "property('username')" into a readable name?


Firstname.Lastname@xyz.com_xyz  -->  Firstname Lastname

Thank you.

Tags (2)
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20 Replies
Frequent Contributor



Can I check is it still the case if the user isn't signed in the Username field is blank?

As in they aren't forced to sign in from the beginning?

And any plans to change this.



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